
The next morning I woke up feeling dreadful. I didn’t know how to tell Rai’s parents about little Rai. I didn’t even know why I kept him a secret from Rai’s part of the family. How could I explain the reasons for hiding him when I myself didn’t know it?

It wasn’t like we didn’t keep in touch. I always called Rai’s mom every week and texted her often too. I told her about every aspect of my life - my businesses, how I was feeling, even when I was depressed, I would call her rather than my own mom. Rai’s mom was a great listener and advice giver. I even told her about Cole. Everything.. except little Rai.

How was I supposed to tell her that she has a grandson all this time, and I've been keeping him a secret? Guilt and shame washed over me. I had taken away nearly five years of little Rai’s life from them. I just hoped they would still love little Rai even if they ended up hating me.