The Mysterious Boss

Sara was beaming with happiness when she saw her reflection on the window. She looked great and this made her happy. Her brown shoulder-length hair was styled into a simple but professional bun, emphasizing her beautiful petite face. Her purple eyes glinted with excitement. They looked like doe's, big and innocent.

Her outfit looked professional too. It was an expensive grey dress with pointy shoes. They were gifts sent to her apartment as soon as she was accepted to work here.

She entered the lobby, flashed her ID card to the receptionist who narrowed her eyes at her, and waltzed toward the elevator. She was in such a good mood that she wanted to hum but she held back.

Humming her favorite song just because she was happy in such a serious business setting would make people think she was a lunatic. No, she must not taint her good start with something stupid.

This was Sara's first day at her real corporate job and she couldn't wait to start her work as one of the personal assistants to the wealthiest man in Northern America - well, that was what the HR guy told her when he shook her hand and congratulated her for being part of Winchester Unlimited.

"Isn't the wealthiest man in the world right now Elon Mu—"

"No, silly... hahaha..." Enrique Perez, the HR guy, wiggled his index finger at Sara and chuckled. "Not him."

Sara remembered muttering "I don't remember applying to be his personal assistant."

"Well, that man is rich but he is not as rich as our boss. You have no idea, darling," said Enrique with a smirk. He loved correcting new personal assistants on this fact. They usually didn't expect that their boss, who was not well known, was richer than the world's so-called top ten billionaires.

Ashton Winchester was wealthy enough to keep his name and wealth hidden from the public eye. However, those who were in the top circle surely knew who he was, and had a rough estimate of how much he had, and what he was capable of.

He was the person people talked about in secret and they bragged about knowing.

Sara remembered she pretended to agree with Enrique and smiled sheepishly. "Ah, silly me. Of course, our boss is great."

As soon as she left the building, she googled the guy and didn't find anything online. So, either Enrique was lying, or Ashton Winchester was really, really that wealthy and powerful.

Why would Enrique lie, was Sara's reason to make the conclusion that their boss was really the wealthiest man in North America.

She was that easy.

People didn't need to convince her with elaborate lies, she would trust their words if she thought they were good people. Her friends told her she would someday fall into scams or be kidnapped by bad people and sold into sex trafficking since she was so pretty and gullible.

She didn't think she was gullible. She was just... trusting.

She believed in the goodness of everyone she met. For her, everyone was kind until they proved otherwise. Then, she would never give them a second chance for fear of being hurt the second time.

That's just who she was. Like a child, said some people who had known her for a long time.

However, they were wrong when they said she would be scammed or sold into sex trafficking. She was now 24 years old and had a relatively normal life.

Well, she did grow up in an orphanage because her parents died when she was ten, but Sara managed to stay in school, went to university to study economy, had some friends, graduated early, and now was already working a decent job as a personal assistant to... yes, that's right, the wealthiest man in North America.

Why did she keep repeating it? She squeezed her dress. Sara started to think she only said it over and over because she wanted to believe it.

Anyway... look, she was never scammed and she was not sold into sex trafficking... yet. This showed that those people were wrong about her.


Sara entered the elevator and pressed the button for the 50th floor. It was the highest floor in Winchester Building. Her boss occupied half of the floor, and the remaining half was shared by five directors.

She was given a tour around the building after she was accepted and she noticed that even the director's personal space was already huge with their own secretary and meeting rooms, et cetera. So she could imagine how big the big boss' room was.

Perhaps, he could fit a golf course inside his space?

She was curious to see how it looked. Ahh... she would definitely see it today.

Sara also couldn't wait to meet her boss. She didn't manage to find his pictures online so she made her own assumptions based on some bits and pieces of information she received from Enrique.

Ashton Winchester had been the boss of this company for fifteen years. He inherited it from his father who retired. Usually, people retired at the age of 65. That means Mr. Winchester Junior inherited this business when he was around 40.

Add fifteen years to it, he would now be... fifty-five, or around that age.

Sara was confident she would get along well with her older boss. She was a volunteer in a local retirement home and all the seniors there LOVED HER! She knew how to talk to them and made them feel important and loved.

That's just who she was. So, she thought she would be able to bring her bubbly personality and work ethic to serve the boss well.


The elevator door opened on the highest floor and Sara walked out. She quickly checked her appearance again. This was it. She was going to see him today. She had to make sure she made a good first impression.

Mr. Winchester had three personal assistants. One was working for him in London, the other one in Hong Kong, and the last one, Allison, was here in New York. She was currently heavily pregnant and had asked permission to take a six-month leave. That was why Sara was hired.

She would become Allison's stand-in for six months. However, Enrique promised Sara would be transferred to another department and still work for the company after Allison returned.

"Good morning, Mam!" A janitor smiled at Sara when he passed her by with his trolley of cleaning equipment. He had just finished cleaning the floor.

"Good morning, Omar," Sara had read his nametag and decided to call him by his first name. The man's smile got bigger when he heard his name roll on her tongue so sweetly. He immediately liked her.

"Are you the new assistant?" he asked Sara.

The young woman bobbed her head. "I am. What time does usually the boss come to the office?"

She intentionally came early so she (hoped she) would be there first before the boss.

"Oh, only god and Allison know. He comes and goes all he wants. Not like anybody can tell him what to do." Omar smiled.

“Ah, I can imagine,” Sara nodded in understanding. That’s how bosses usually were. They did whatever they wanted and everyone else had to work around their whims.

"Okay, Sara,” she spoke to herself firmly. “You can do this!”

Sara opened the door leading to her big boss's room and then stepped inside.

“Woah…” As she had expected, even the assistant's room, the room before the boss's room, was so large and beautiful. This place was much nicer and bigger than her meager apartment.

The neutral colors, which were mostly in white shades, made this room look elegant, comfortable, calming, and professional. She really liked her office.

Sara blinked in admiration, seeing that every decoration in the room seemed to support each other in harmony, especially the huge flower vase on the table. That was a really nice, minimalist flower vase.


Sara's ears automatically irked at the faint sound as she stepped into her room. She paused for a moment, trying to hear where the voice was coming from and what exactly it was.

After a few seconds, Sara didn't hear anything else, so she shrugged and put her briefcase on the assistant's desk, thinking she might have heard it wrong.

Right now, she had to focus because she should have given a report to her boss–

“Hanh–ah! Please–!”

Sara gasped as soon as she heard the voice more clearly than before. She knew it was a woman's voice, whose tone sounded like she was in pain. Oh my god.


Sara blinked and looked around the room. The only place the voice could be coming from was her boss' room across from the assistant's desk.

Had the boss arrived? How could it be? It was still so early. Then, why was there a woman's voice that sounded in pain from inside?

Good grief! Could it be that there was a woman who needed help inside? Sara could hear again the sound of a woman pleading. It was so clear.

W-was there bullying in this office, or some kind of harassment toward a woman?

Sara's face lost all colors. All of this felt too terrible. On her first day at her new job, why did such a thing have to happen?

Sara decided to bring along the large flower vase from her table, and used it as a weapon, primarily to try to help the poor woman as well as to protect herself. She had to confirm the situation before taking action.

Cautiously, Sara walked toward the boss’ room. She opened the door slightly and peeked inside.

Seeing what happened in that room, Sara's eyes widened and her mouth hung open as if her jaw would drop anytime.

The voices of the woman's groans turned out to be…


This was neither bullying nor harassment.

Sara saw a half-naked woman screaming in pleasure on the desk, where a young black-haired man was thrusting his hips vigorously, pumping into her body. He was completely naked, showing a delicious muscular body, which any woman would call perfect. A mischievous smirk decorated his handsome face.

The woman's long, smooth legs straddled wide, accepting with pleasure the sharp and intense thrusts the man gave her in her pleasure hole.

“Ah… ah! Ha–nhh!”

Her moans got louder and louder as time went on. Sara saw the crooked smile on the young man's handsome face as he gave the half-naked woman on the desk the best pleasure she'd ever experienced in her life.

What the hell was going on????

This was the boss's office, right?

How could there be a pervert and woman using this place as… as a…

As a.... (Sara couldn't get the word out. She was too shocked.)


“Keep going… yes! Aah... aaahh.... I'm going to…–ooh!” The woman let out a long sexy moan.

She seemed like she was about to reach the peak of her pleasure. While the young and handsome man in front of her bit the woman's neck, closing his eyes with full concentration without stopping his thrust. Blood began to trickle down from the wound on the woman's smooth neck.

Sara felt very angry, and for some reason couldn't bear to see something so inappropriate as this happen at her workplace. Moreover, the boss would also be furious if he found out something like this happened in his room, right? Sara was sure she had to do something.

So, she barged into the room, lifted the flower vase in her hand, and smacked it on the black-haired man's head.



"Eh?!" The woman inside the office was surprised.

"Huh?" The man who had been pounding her was astonished.

Sara froze as the flower vase in her hand shattered after she hit it as hard as she could on the man's head. Surprisingly, the man didn't appear to be in pain or moved the slightest bit. Did he eat cement or stone for breakfast or what? How could his body become as hard as a wall?

Sara instantly turned pale seeing the man glare at her.

“Security, who is this crazy woman?!” The man shouted angrily right in front of Sara's dumbfounded face, and before she really knew it, things had gone haywire.






From Missrealitybites:

Welcome to "My Daddy Long Legs Is A Vampire". You can see the visual for this scene on the comment section XD.

I am working on the comic for this story and you can read the comic together with the novel once I have started publishing the comic on W e b t o o n. I will keep you updated ^^