I'm in my office right now, finishing a bunch of papers that I've unpacked to go to Touya's world to play.

I have to deal with a ton of paperwork, I must say it's exhausting and boring. Extremely boring! I want to go out, I want to go out!


"Ciel help me escape!" (Rimuru)


My number is so miserable!

By the way, the god Neet that I brought back from Touya's world is now a subordinate of Veldora. So Veldora puts all his work on him and sneaks down here to play with me all the time.

Suddenly my crystal ball lit up and the image popped up. It was Touya, he saved me.

"Is this showing up yet? Moshi Moshi, Rimuru, are you free? Can I ask you for this?" (Touya)

Oh yeah! Just about to go play. But wait, what is he counting on me?

"Tell me I'm listening!" (Rimuru)

"Well, I heard from the world god that you're one of the eight demon kings among the strongest individuals in your world right?" (Touya)

"Oh yeah, what's wrong?" (Rimuru)

"It's just the World Alliance here of the world I want to form an alliance with Octagram to get rid of all the Phrase crystal monsters. Is that possible?" (Touya)

"Huh, your world wants to ask us to use our power to stop them?" (Rimuru)

"If my world falls, maybe the next world they pass through is yours, so please help me!" (Touya)

"Haizz! Alright, I'll talk to everyone. That's it, bye!" (Rimuru)

(Hyss Those Phrase crystal monsters won't be able to Goes to this world Since it's located in the center of the spiritual and Physical Realm And even if they did enter the Voice of the world will just Reject their Existence but helping them can Lessen our boredom) Rimuru thought

But now There's so much work to do and now Touya is forcing me to call a meeting to meet those idiots.

I teleport down the labyrinth and find Ramiris to book a Walpurgis conference.

"Where's Ramiris come out and say!" (Rimuru)

"What's wrong with my sword, I'm in the middle of reading a holy book." (Ramiris)

"Can you hold a Walpurgis conference?" (Rimuru)

"Huh? Why do I have to go to a place where I meet all those hateful people?" (Ramiris)

"One is to do, two is I to break your wings." (Rimuru)

"I'll Obey! The conference will take place in a week. That's it!"(Ramiris)

I have to prepare a speech for the Walpurgis conference again. Damn it's tiring. Haiz! I'm all used to crazy friends, don't I?

The day of the conference came, and I was sitting in the room preparing something. Suddenly Ramiris opened the door and flew in, then Beretta also entered and closed the door carefully.

The housekeeper is indeed different!

"Let's go!" (Rimuru)

After saying that I put on the demon king's teleportation ring and started teleporting to Walpurgis.

Once there, the place is always as clean as if it was freshly cleaned. Guy and Milim came first.

"Yo hello dear bestie, long time no see." (Milim)

She and I just met a week ago.

Then Leon, Ruminas, and Ryan also came.

"If you have something to say, say it quickly!" (Leon)

"Do you know how much work I have, rookie."(Ruminas)

"So how are you, Rimuru!"(Ryan)

We then took our seats and Dino just arrived. "It's still early, knowing that, sleep a little longer!"(Dino)

Everyone sat at the table and I discussed the main issue. It was a matter of the Phrases from the Touya world that might come to our world if the Touya world fell. They ask for our help.

"Hmmm! It's okay, I haven't fought in a long time, so my hands and feet are itchy."(Guy)

"I agree with Guy!"(Milim)

"Don't worry, I'll one hit them, they're nothing is wrong with me."(Ramiris)

"It's boring to stay in the castle all the time."(Leon)

"Sounds fun, let me join."(Ryan)

"Well I'm lazy, that 's all before."(Dino)

"Kufufufu. That sounds interesting, let me join."(Veldora)


"I didn't go out, I was just surveying. It's just another world."(Veldora)

"If the dragon rots then I will too (shy)."(Ruminas)

So the meeting ended and there were 7 votes in favor and 1 vote against the demon lords. Ah, one more vote from Veldora.

Participants include:

- Demons:Dark Lord Guy Crimson

- Dragonoid:Destroyer Milim Nava

- Pixie: Labyrinth Fairy Ramiris

- Vampires:Queen of Nightmare Ruminas Valentine

- Demonoid: Demons blonde Leon Cromwell

- Slime: Chaos Creator Rimuru Tempest

- Vampire: "Newbie" Ryabuer Ryan

And The True Dragon: Storm Dragon Veldora Tempest.


We are all standing in front of the portal to prepare to go to Touya's world. The subordinates I brought with me were Benimaru, Gerudo, Shion, Diablo, and the white legion that I brought back from the Touya world. I want to test their strength after 6 months of training. And this is also considered their first match.

By the way, all the people who belong to the white corps are from rank B+ to A- all.

Guy's subordinates are Mizari, Rain, and 2000 high-class demons. Milim's subordinates include Karion, Frey, harpies, angels, seraphim, and lycanthropes.

Leon's subordinates are Claude, Alrose, Fran, Oxishan, Kizuna, and Maetel. Ruminas brought along vampires and seven sages. The fish Ramiris brought along the four great dragon kings and Beretta. Only young Ryan was unable to bring people.


We are currently in the base waiting for them to show up to crush them.

And then they showed up!

We divided our troops and defeated them.

Guy and Milim are in good spirits, of course. They haven't hit each other for a long time, so their hands and feet are itchy.

Benimaru led the white army to attack the Phrase. At first, Touya wanted to make us crystal weapons but that was too redundant and unnecessary.

Because the weapons produced in Tempest are all super rare and god-grade special weapons. So these Phrases are old with Tempest's weapons.

Gerudo set up a line of defense to defend the command post. Shion and Diablo rushed to slash the Phrases madly.

Leon's knights also spread out to help the FrameGear machines of the countries in the alliance that were fighting them.

Ryan and Leon, these two young men drew their swords and went to cut one after another.

Guy's subordinates, Milim and Ruminas all tried to destroy them...

Then suddenly I heard the screams of the white legion.

"We are the white legion of Tempest! We must not let His Majesty down. We must prove to him that we are useful to him." (Kilpost)It was a vampire beast man.

"That's right! There are many powerful legions in Tempest. But he chose us to fight. We must win to bring him glory."(Amande)A cat-eared girl spoke up.

"We've all trained a lot with the main Tempest members. Now let's test our strength. (Sonji) a red-haired young man said.

"For Your Majesty! For Tempest!" (Fino) A bird-man beastman said.

Then they all shouted in unison, "For Your Majesty! For Tempest!"

They then charged into the battlefield and slaughtered the Phrase one by one. They look fierce.

I guess I'll have to treat them to a meal or give them a week off after this is over.

I am currently sitting in the command post with Touya and the kings of this world. Suddenly a young blond boy came in and spoke to me.

"Your Majesty, a bunch of crystal monsters is running towards this place!" (young man)

As far as I remember, his name was Yurio Glend.

I told him to just walk away and I'll take care of everything.

Then suddenly someone from the white corps came in and spoke to me.

"Your Majesty does not need to personally go to war. Let us destroy them." (Crown Peslem) A dwarf boy carrying a battle ax said.

"That's right! Your Majesty, leave it to us." (Federica Stribut) a purple-haired girl said

"We can't let your majesty's jade hands be stained with the blood of the enemy!" (Wettser Audiso) A single-eyed uncle said

"Okay, you can do whatever you want, but no one is sacrificed!" (Rimuru)

"Clear!" (Answers in unison)

After that, I called out the four great dragon kings and helped them deal with them. Well, Veldora went too because he was bored too.

After that, all over the battlefield the FrameGear and Octagram won with a total victory, although only a few hundred people were injured but not life-threatening.

Then everyone cheered for victory and the World Alliance and Octagram were officially established. Then everyone had a party together at Brunhild castle. Hey, the castle is so small that it can fit so many people here. But stop worrying about what to do to get tired, now let's go.
