
Adam exited the Awakened association and started running towards the shop the lady told him about.

"How much time until the gate's opening ?" He asked the watch.

[50:43 until the gate's opening]

'All of this is so exciting my heart is beating more and more furiously as the time is decreasing. I've got a free skill too and a great one at that. Not every realm inside the gate contains drinking water.'

Adam stopped in front of a large shop, it was less of a shop instead more like a office kind of building.

Adam entered the shop and a cute girl in blue uniform greeted him.

"Hello Good sir, how may i help you ?"

"Hi, i am looking for some skills and basic tools."

"What type of skills are you looking for sir."

"Survival skills."

"Please follow me sir."

Adam followed the woman to the 23rd floor of the building in a lift.

"On this floor you will find every survival skill sir."

"Thanks." Adam started exploring different skills.

After sometime Adam came back to the lift with some items in a red coloured basket.

"I want these." He said to the lady who was serving him.

"Thank you sir, please come with me."

Both of them came to the ground floor again.

"Please get them checked on this counter and pay on that counter."

"Thanks." After that the lady left.

A old man checked all the items and made a price list of them.

"Here sir please check your items and their prices if you find something too expensive you can cancel it right here." The old man spoke as if he knew that Adam was dead broke.

"Y-Yeah" he started reading all the items on the list and their prices.

1.Fire ignition skill - 5000 credits.

2.Ice Making Skill - 5000 credits.

3.Small Dimensional Cube - 20000 credits.

4.Small Iron Frying Pan - 3000 credits.

5.Sharp Small knife and 100m rope - 2000 credits.

6.Conservated meat, 10kg - 1000 credits.

Grand Total:- 36000 credits.

"Yep it's all right."

"Please pay on that counter sir." The old man stamped a barcode on the list and gave it back to adam.

Adam moved to the next counter and showed the list to the guy sitting on it. He scanned the barcode and sent a credit request on Adam's smartwatch.

['Jack's buy and sell' requested for 36000 credits. Would you like to pay ?] [Yes/No]

Adam clicked yes on the message and credits transferred from his account.

After that he absorbed both of the skill Cards and opened his backpack.

Inside his backpack on the bottom there existed a cube shaped shocket for the Dimensional Cube. Adam placed the cube in the shocket and space in his bag turned dark black. Adam throwed everything else in that dimensional space.

Wow...this cube is really awesome it converted my bag's small space into a 3 cubic meter room. Still it's very expensive.

Now i have meat and everything else.

Adam exited the building and started running towards a big ground that is situated in the centre of the city.

"How much time left ?"

[25:02 left until gate opening]

Adam reached a big entry gate with two guards standing outside. The big metal gates were tightly closed.

"Umm...i want to enter inside." Adam asked one of the guards.

The guard didn't speak instead he pointed towards a big machine to his right.

Adam approached the machine and looked at the instructions. It was clearly written on the machine to scan your Awakened license in order to enter inside.

Adam opened his license and moved the watch closer to the machine.

[ID Confirmed you can enter]

The gates opened and Adam went inside them.

As he Crossed a dark tunnel connected to the gate he entered a very large hall with many people chatting with each other. Some making groups, some were alone and some looked like slaves to the rich people.

I am in the second category.

Suddenly a group of four youngsters approached adam.

Two girls, two boys.

"Hi, how old are you ?" The boy with blonde hair and green eyes asked. He was wearing a metal armour from his head to his toes.

Bro are you from a play or something?

"19, why ?"

"Are you also going for the first time ?"


"Oh, good wanna be a member of our party we are going into the gate for the first time. This is Elena, Yuri and John."

Ah party play, it's good but there are reasons why I don't like it. In matter of power it's obvious that a party of newbies is better than a solo newbie but it's not like everyone will survive in the gate that's why people in parties die just cause they always try to help their teammates and if they don't they are called traitors.

Biggest reason of not being in a party is trust. I can't trust some strangers to watch my back while i am doing something else.

I don't want any of it that's why...

"Sorry but i don't feel like it."

"Oh, no problem we are not forcing you."

"Thanks and goodluck." Adam said.

"Goodluck to you too brother." Thary left after saying that.

"Hello, Hello may i get your attention please." A man in his 50's appeared on stage with a mic.

"I am Greg, i am a scientist and most of you today will enter the real gate for the first time so i have something important to tell you. As we all know that the gate is about to open and this gate connects an infinity number of realms together means infinite possibilities.

we all know anyone can need anything in dire situations to survive inside the gate so we are introducing 'The Dimensional Market' a market that you can even use inside the gate. You can list your items on this market and earn magic crystals in return and buy whatever you want with them from this market so use it carefully don't get scammed easily.

The market app will automatically get installed in your Smartwatches. Thank you and good luck guys." He left after saying that.

[Dimensional Market App Installed Successfully] everyone's smartwatch spoke.

Well that's good very good...i think i really am lucky.

"Umm...sir what about those who are already inside the gate ?" One guy asked.

"Once the portal opens they will get this app installed by default." Greg answered.

Magic crystals are like energy source of any monster, you kill anything inside that gate you will get a magic crystal out of it. One can get stronger by absorbing them.