Mizuki Hitsuchi

"Mama, can I go outside?" A young girl asked. She looked around 4 years old and her pale green eyes appeared cloudy and murky, portraying the fact that she was most likely blind.

Her head was tilted to the side as she tried to make the best puppy eyes that she could, or at least the best that she could imagine, as she didn't know what that would look like. Her long black hair shifted over her shoulder in waves.

"No." Her mother said somewhat harshly. She was glaring, but of course, the young girl couldn't tell.

"Mizuki, you need to study, it's hard enough to do as is, so you have to focus on it. The Hitsuchi family only has you as its heir. You have no time to be doing such things as playing outside. Besides, it is much too dangerous for a little blind girl like you to go outside." Her mother shook her head, despite knowing Mizuki couldn't see that.

"Okay mama..." Mizuki's head drooped. She trudged away toward where she thought her room was.

"Also, what did I say about calling me mama?" She asked as Mizuki bumped into the corner of a wall.

"Sorry... Mother." Mizuki growled as she felt her way down the wall toward her room.

Finding her way there fairly quickly, she opened her door and loosely pushed it open. She entered her room and slowly closed her door. Her mother didn't like it when she was loud because it was improper.

"I'm going to be as loud as I want when I am older." Mizuki muttered, kicking a pillow that was on the floor.

Mizuki felt frustration build up as she stood in the centre of her room.

She found out pretty recently that her room was completely soundproof unless she opened her window, so she screamed, "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" She held her head in rage, trying to squeeze out the frustration she felt.

"What the FUCK did I do!? Why can't I leave!?" She said a word that she wasn't allowed to say, because the feeling of not listening to what her mother said made her feel better, if only slightly.

She stomped her feet, trying to break the ground underneath her. It looked childish, but she was undoubtedly a child. She stomped the ground once again and again, each hit feeling more and more satisfying, the floor seemed to rumble slightly with each stomp.

She stopped stomping after a few more moments and took a deep breath. The frustration didn't fully leave, but she got out about all she could without straight up destroying as much as she could. Even she knew that destruction was bad. At least, that's what she heard on TV.

After a long deep breath in, she breathed out as hard as she could in one harsh breath. A light breeze flew about her room as she breathed out, she could hear a pencil being knocked off of her desk.

Mizuki didn't pay it any mind as the angry rage turned into frustrated tears.

She hadn't minded not being able to leave the house not too long ago. Just a week ago, she didn't mind it too much. She could still go out into her garden and play, especially because she had discovered how to use her quirk.

In this world, each and every person has their own unique superpower, otherwise called a quirk. Well, she heard it wasn't actually every person who got a quirk, but everyone she has met so far has had one. Not that she could actually go out and meet more people to check.

Her quirk let her control the elements of nature, as described by the doctor. She had to move her body to go about it, and she loved the freedom it let her feel when she moved the air around. How solid the earth really was, and how she could change with the water with every movement. She was afraid of the power of her fire, mostly because she had set fire to the garden before, and all she could feel was the heat.

Her quirk felt nice to use... but... she couldn't really use it properly because she couldn't see. Which is why it was given the name Natural Disaster, because that is what she was if she ever used it. The light rumblings of the earth like an earthquake, the miniature rapid winds she spun akin to tornadoes, the waves she made bigger for fun alluding to a tsunami and of course, the most dangerous natural disaster of flames.

However, recently, she went outside without any shoes or socks on to play in the grass, when she felt something.

She could feel her own vibrations echo through the ground with every step, just as she could feel the feedback of others footsteps through the ground. That small light post that she always ran into in the garden was easily evaded every time she wandered near it, because she could feel where it was.

As she neared the walls of her garden, she started to feel the world beyond it. The untrimmed and wild grass around the outside of her estate, the rocks, and the small animal that didn't even approach the wall.

'What else could be beyond that wall?' She wondered. Today was the 7th time that she asked to go outside. For now, it may be the last.

Now, all Mizuki wanted to do was play around with her quirk. Using it was the best feeling she's ever had. A feeling which she could only identify as freedom. She ripped the sense entrapping socks she had on, off, and left her bedroom toward the garden.

Exiting her bedroom, she felt her butler follow behind her as she headed to the garden. She hadn't known before, but the butler was tall. Other than that, he was pretty wide in stature, but she couldn't figure much else out from just the vibrations he made with each step.

Neither said anything as they headed out into the garden. Mizuki made a sign for the butler to remain where he was while she headed further into the garden where her favourite spot lay.

It was a small rock garden that surrounded an equally small pond, along with a rather tall tree overhanging the pond. She felt the most at peace here. Like no one could hurt her, feelings or otherwise.

The sun hung overhead, something she has determined to be overhead by the feeling of its heat beating her over her head. She also determined the sun to be a source for her flames, as they were much weaker after it set, or when it was cloudy.

She pulled the ends of her pants up and walked to a small island in the middle of the small pond, the fish in the small pond scurried away whenever her legs made a stride forward. She had made the little island in the pond with her quirk as a place that she could be alone. Everyone else in her mansion doesn't like getting wet, especially not her mother.

Today, she wanted to try to feel the wind flow through the air, in a similar way to how she felt the vibrations of things through the earth. Another reason as to why she was in the centre of the pond, if anyone walked by, she wouldn't be alerted to them, letting her blissfully ignore them as she wished.

Mizuki sat with her legs crossed and took a deep breath, feeling the air around her follow in larger amounts than lungs could usually take. She blew out into the air, attempting to follow the path the wind flowed.

As usual, she could feel nothing but the vibrations her own body made.

Mizuki sighed as she took another deep breath when she felt the air cut by something next to her, followed by a buzzing noise.

'Damn mosquito.' She smacked both hands together where the air was being cut, and her own hands cut through the air, with a smack, the mosquito was cut, and the buzzing stopped as well as the disturbance of the wind.

"Oh." She realised. She had already been able to sense the breeze, but she hadn't noticed, as she could only feel minor winds, and not the big waves of air she breathed out. It was also then, that she noticed the breeze wrap around her butler, who was watching her from the edge of the pond.

Mizuki smirked mischievously as she stood up. Now she was going to "practice" her water bending. Much like she could do with the breeze, she could feel the gentle waves of the water around her. It seems she has been connected to her own quirk for a little while at least.

One hand pointed upward toward the water, and slowly lifted, allowing the water to flow upward against gravity. It felt harder to do than at night time when just the moon was out, but she could deal with it. Her other hand joined in controlling the water, moving her hands around her, passing it between her hands as she let it flow around her in slow movements, like a snake made of water was wrapping around her. Her strange but graceful interpretive dance ended as she sharply through the water, "coincidentally" it was going straight toward her butler at a high speed, It quickly lost its shape due to her inexperience with her own quirk, but it should still splash her butler.

She felt the breeze distort as the water flew through it, and then, suddenly, the water stopped in midair around the butler, splashing against a strange barrier that didn't let the surrounding air inside.

"Aww, no fair." She pouted, looking at where the water harmlessly slid off of the barrier made by her butler.

She could vaguely make out an amused smile from her butler through the breeze as she sat back down. As much as she would love to practice fire, her butler would immediately put a barrier around her the second she tried, which would snuff out any air her fire, and subsequently, herself, could get.

Taking a deep breath, she held it as she felt the air around her.

This is her favourite part of the day.


8 years later, Mizuki finds herself in the garden, once again. At this point Mizuki is pretty sure she didn't even need her quirk to get around her entire home by herself. She had spent most of her time exploring it, trying to find even a little something new.

'I am going to go crazy if I stay any longer.' The 12 year old thought. Her hair was up in a messy bun on top of her head to keep it out of the way while she used her quirk.

Over the years, she has essentially turned using her quirk into an art form, each element having its own type of movements so that each element may be used to its full potential. She figured out each style over her short time on the internet. She doesn't much like using it, as even with its disability friendly features, it takes much too long for her to navigate, and she doesn't have the patience for that.

Today however, as she finished a short stroll around the garden, she headed inside toward where she could feel her mother. She wasn't moving all that much, most likely because she was watching TV. She wiped the earth off of her feet using her control over earth, and walked inside. She hasn't worn shoes or even socks in over 8 years, and she absolutely did not care. It let her see the best, and she hated carpets because they made her "vision" blurry, not as bad as sand did though.

She could still see, but she couldn't exactly recognize anything too specific through sand. She was way better on carpets at the very least.

She arrived at the living room, and stood next to the couch where her mother sat.

"Mother. I would like to go to a school." She asked respectfully despite the ire she had for doing so.

"What? Why? Haven't I already said that it is much too dangerous." Her mother turned to her.

Despite the fact that she had been pretty much showing she could pretty much see this whole time, her parents still treated her as a fragile little blind girl.

"Mother, I am sure you're well aware I can get a sense of everything through my quirk. I don't want to be trapped in this mansion for the rest of my life." Mizuki said with polite words, but her tone clearly showed her desperation and anger.

"But-" Her mother started but was quickly interrupted by a sharp movement from Mizuki.

"But, I don't want to hear it, mom," Mizuki's tone was outright disrespectful at this point, "I am either going to school, or I am breaking the garden wall and running away." Mizuki threatened.

No amount of reasoning was going to get it through that thick skull of her mothers about that while she was blind, she was more than capable. The fact that she has had to do all of her studies through audio recordings has been torture enough. She wants to at least meet some other person her age, and not just 40 adults, at least half of which are at least middle-aged.

She could feel the fact that her mother was about to refuse through the breaths her mother was taking and Mizuki decided to up the ante. She stomped, hard.

The room shook slightly as the earth beneath their house shook with the stomp. It wasn't enough to do any actual damage, but it was enough to get the point across.

"Fine. I am choosing what school you go to though." She could feel her mothers glare in the air around her, and she glared right back, surprising her mother as she walked away.

The school year had already started, and she was more than sure she was way ahead of everyone else in her year no thanks to her mother praising her as a genius. About the only praise she had ever gotten actually, and even then it felt forced.

A week later, Mizuki found herself in a classroom within Somei Private Middle School. She, of course, hadn't sat down yet, as she was about to introduce herself to her class, as per transfer student protocol.

"It is a pleasure to meet you all." Mizuki bowed respectfully, "My name is Mizuki Hitsuchi, I have been homeschooled prior to this school, so please treat me well." She felt disgusted, but as this was some snobby elitist middle school, she had to seem more noble than she actually cares. Of course, that idea would be thrown off the second they noticed she was completely barefoot, not that she cared. She would prioritise her own comfort over the social norms everyday.

The teacher glanced at her as she finished her introduction, and she sighed, "I have also been told that I should tell you all that I am blind, so please treat me kindly." She bowed her head slightly with a (fake) amiable smile on her face.

'Let's make the next couple years memorable at least.' Mizuki smiled.

She wasn't gonna let anyone look down on her, especially not some snobby elitists.

Wait... didn't she count as some snobby elitist?