7. Death by mistake

"I've slapped a few bitchy faces and kicked some bastards' shins. But I have never harmed innocent people, or gave someone misery." Mona answered.

"I see. But truthfully, this can't guarantee that your claims are correct and accurate. Though there is a way to find out."

"Second Highest Priest Deuxen, are you thinking of trying to test the ball by using it on a convicted criminal?" The king asked.

"Yes. It's better if the criminal is a natural or an elemental magic user. If the crystal turns black despite them possessing such mana, then we were clearly in the wrong all these years."

"If that is so, then we might have killed an innocent." The king's face showed a complicated expression. He looked at Mona but did not say anything. "Nothing is yet confirmed. Sir Evans, please go to the castle's dungeon and find someone that fits the criteria."

"Yes, Your Majesty." The knight bowed and exited the door.

Mona felt something wrong towards the king. She couldn't tell what he was thinking, and could only doubt him, including everyone in the room. She wondered if it was possible that the result could be manipulated. After all, if the king wishes to, what can she do to stop that?

"Are you hoping that I was wrong?" She ended up asking him instead.

The king stood up and looked at her.

"Honestly, yes. As the king of this kingdom, I believe that criminals who commit such heinous crimes and practice evil deserve death. So, I won't be swayed by the pitiful upbringing or miserable past of the convicted. And as a king, I should not fail to give judgment."

Mona gritted her teeth. Those words of his enraged her.

The king walked past her and approached the door. And without looking, he uttered.

"And I am afraid that if you are right, then I did not only fail on my judgment but also a king to his subject."

The door opened and the king exited.

"This discussion will be continued after Sir Evans finds a suitable person. Your Holiness and Second Highest Priest Deuxen and the priests, please follow me. I will escort you to your rooms first." The attendant declared and guided the guest toward the door. "Your grace, please watch the lady."

The Grand Duke replied. "I will."

After everyone was gone, Mona's knees trembled and she collapsed on the floor. All her nervousness as well as the tension in her body had finally released.

"I guess you're really good at acting."

If the Grand Duke did not speak, Mona wouldn't have realized he was still there, standing and leaning at the closed door.

"You're collapsing right away when you just bared your fangs on us a moment ago."

"That's because I was fighting for something I believe is right. It made me brave." She sat up hugging both of her knees, then shrugged her shoulders. "But that was actually nerve-wracking, you know?! I feel like half of my remaining lifespans were spent just standing in the presence of your king!"

She was brave. But it was also because she was annoyed, enraged, and upset about everything. She didn't even think or mind getting under the guillotine once again for showing contempt towards an imperial family.

"But you succeeded in your purpose." The deep voice of the Grand Duke penetrated her ears.

Mona just noticed that the Grand Duke was the one who had been accompanying her from the beginning and talking to her without showing malicious or scornful gaze. All he did was punch her rude remarks and glance at her with boredom etched on his face.

Now that they were alone, and the Grand Duke facing her, Mona had more chances to study the man's face.

White hair that appeared slightly bluish, sea-colored eyes, tall and pointed nose, perfectly shaped thin lips, and a well-defined jawline. He was really the epitome of a handsome, tall, and dark man.

'Except the dark.' Mona thought. Because the Grand Duke is even whiter than her. His skin looks pale but sturdy.

"Done staring?"

Mona jolted at the voice. "Yes, sir!"

"I don't really get why you are trying so hard for the sake of Lady Vandross." Said the Grand Duke while folding his arms in his chest.

"You don't get it or you just don't want to waste time thinking about it?"

"Both. Why are you so sure that the lady wasn't evil? You don't even know her."

Mona thought that the Grand Duke surely was becoming more and more talkative.

"Before I answer your question, my lord. Can you at least feed me first? The maid who took me earlier didn't even give me a slice of bread at least!" She put her hands together, like praying to the heavens to rain food, and exclaimed. "I'm so hungry!"

Luna's body really feels so weak. Dressing up earlier, Mona noticed how thin her waist was. But the skin, after being cleaned from dirt and dried blood, glowed flawlessly. So, her long black hair as well.

"Are you perhaps a pig in your world?" She glared at the Grand Duke because he hit the mark.

Mona's body was a 'bit' on the heavy side. Due to her daily routine of sleeping, eating, and pissing for two consecutive years, she gained weight. Thinking about it, there was also a possibility that she died because of that.

"This body hasn't eaten proper food for days. So, I am famished!"

Grand Duke only stared at her. After a few minutes of silent convincing and determining words, he stood up properly and opened the door.

"Follow me."


They trailed another hallway and turned right and left a few times. Until they reached a door where clanking noises could be heard inside.

The Grand Duke opened the door, and everyone inside stopped in their tracks.

"Is there a bread that can be eaten?" He asked directly.

"U-Uhm..." Trembling, the left hand of a young boy carrying a sack of flour pointed at a corner.

The two of them entered the kitchen and headed to a table where newly baked baguettes were laid.

Mona was so happy at the sight of the food that she ignored the strange atmosphere inside. The lively kitchen was engulfed by tension. Everyone was clearly holding their breath and moving so carefully.

Who wouldn't? The ones who interrupted their work and trespassed on their workplace were none other than the greatest and most talented dark magic user they had ever seen with the rumored cold and cruel Grand Duke of their empire.

They were flabbergasted to witness the evil woman gobbling up the loaves of bread while the Grand Duke looked at her with obvious boredom on his face.

"You just escaped death. So don't die from choking on food."

She answered before even swallowing the food in her mouth. "Shut up and let me eat in peace."


The word made Mona choke. She coughed repeatedly while hitting her chest. But she felt like something really stuck in her airways. Suddenly, the Grand Duke stretched his arms and smacked her back loudly. A bite-size piece of hard bread flew out from her mouth.

"I warned you."

"...Your fault!" She growled and kicked her feet toward the Grand Duke, but he was so quick to move away.

"Oh? When did pigs know how to growl?"

'This man...!' Mona glared at him and clenched her fists.

"Fine! I'm full already!"

"Are you sure?" His tone is filled with doubt and tease which irritates Mona.

"Yes!" She exclaimed.

"Very well. Let's head back."

Begrudgingly, she followed the Grand Duke's footsteps. And once again, they trailed the hallways of the palace.

The atmosphere became silent. So, to erase the growing awkwardness between them, Mona started a conversation.

"What kind of person is His Majesty?" She asked the Grand Duke.

It took long before he answered.

"A proper and responsible person. He is kind to the underprivileged, strict to his subordinates, and cruel to his enemies. He abhors inhumanity and praises compassionate and genuine charity. And above all, he is someone who apologizes if he's in the wrong."


Mona went silent at her thoughts. Would a simple apology give back Luna's life?

Luna Evangeline Vandross is dead. Her soul already left this world, and what only remained were memories and a body.

If the situation weren't like this, and if that stupid belief towards dark magic users was proved wrong before Luna committed suicide, or maybe even before she was born, then perhaps, she would be able to live a life full of affection and contentment. Instead of neglect, maltreatment, and unfair death.

The Grand Duke noticed the sudden silence of the woman. He could feel that her attitude had changed once again. He knew why. Even he was feeling uncomfortable at the thought that an innocent lady had to die by a mere mistake. So, he also can't help himself to hope that there wasn't an error. Just so they could justify the lady's death. And that thought made him ashamed of himself.

Kyden Iz De Adri had never met the rumored eldest daughter of the Vandross Marquessate. So, he had no idea what kind of a person she was. All his knowledge about her is just how the empire depicted her.

They reached the door and stepped inside. Surprised that everyone was already present.

A man wearing ragged clothing and metal handcuffs was standing beside the knight.

"You've come."

"My apologies for suddenly disappearing, your Majesty." Grand Duke Kyden bowed toward the king.

"It is fine. We've already heard the rumor that you visited the kitchen." The king's face wasn't good. But Mona knew it was not because they were late.

"Since we are all here, let us proceed." The highest priest gestured at the knight. "He committed crimes such as human trafficking and mass murder. I, the second highest priest of the Holy Nation can account for that."

Sir Evans, the knight's name, dragged the man and grabbed his hand to put on the ball. When the man's hand touched the ball, a smoke of bluish mixed with dark red spread out.

Mona was holding her breath all this time. They said the ball will show the nature of one's mana, and the color depends on the level of the user.

She doesn't know what reddish means, she only wanted to see black, that's all. When all hopes seemed to be disappearing on her, the bluish smoke that turned reddish suddenly became darker and darker in color, until the once colorful crystal became a completely black orb.

Mona was right. She proved her argument.

But Luna was no more.