12. Crimson forest

Four kingdoms lie on the western continent of the world.

The Holy Nation is surrounded by seas on the north of the continent.

The Semaria Empire on the east.

The Leymar Kingdom in the south.

And lastly, on the west lies the Abraz Kingdom.

The domains on the east, south, and west are connected by a forest. Placed in their middle. This forest was originally a boundary for all three kingdoms, but no one wanted to claim it. So, the forest, with a size as large as a province, became an independent land belonging to no one.

The reason was that the land contained a high density of poisonous miasma. A vapor that only inhuman creatures can take and live with.

That is why the forest became known as the home of monsters and demons.

The forest is named after the attractive color of the tree leaves that cover the entire forest.

Crimson Forest.

The forest of eternal fall.

Where whoever enters cannot leave.

Agonizing and terrifying howls are heard within the forest. Any citizens who heard of the name felt scared just by thinking of it. And the surrounding areas of the forest, where villages should have been, was, therefore, became an abandoned place.

The crimson forest was also believed as the 'womb' of the monsters. As the place where such creatures were created. Due to this, to end the continuous monster attacks on the three kingdoms, they perform expeditions for monster extermination.

But not a single member of the many expeditions who have entered the forest returned. In addition, monsters only kept increasing and invading the human realm.

The only thing the people of each country could do was to subjugate the monsters entering their premises.

"The knights of the third squadron that have been dispatched to the Omun province are requesting enforcement. The royal palace is requesting aid to the Knights of Iz.'" Marcus read the letter sealed by a royal stamp earlier.

The letter contains information on the current situation on the expedition dispatched to subjugate monsters. But unfortunately, it is said that monsters already invaded the Omun province, the area that sits next to the abandoned villages near the crimson forest.

And since a tiny part of the crimson forest rests on the northern territory of the Grand Duchy of Adri, the Grand Duke is always open to help in return for his favor to strengthen the barrier on the territory's covered part of the forest by the tower's magicians.

There are circumstances where a strong barrier can be put and used to prevent monster attacks, it can only work on small parts. Since a magical barrier is considered one of the hardest enchantments and consumes plenty of mana.

But the Omun province is a direct path to the forest, so its entirety cannot be covered in barriers and can only be guarded by knights.

The third squadron was led by a royal knight in command, Marquess Luven Vandross.

The Grand Duke, aside from being the loyal imperial shadow of the king, one who receives an order of utmost confidentiality, was also a royal knight in command of the second squadron. But he normally handed over the command to his second-in-charge since he was already occupied by his territory's matters and his knights.

The commander of the first squadron is none other than the imperial knight's commander, Sir Noah Evans. They are the ones responsible for the safety of the imperial family.

"What reply should I send?" the attendant asked his master busy on his table sorting papers again.

"Confirmation of the request being granted," Kyden answered. He then stood up and headed to the door. "I'm heading to the training grounds. I need to see who should be coming with me."

"Is there really a need to choose?"

"This time, yes. The fact that even the arrogant Marquess commander is asking for aid means this is more serious and dangerous than usual. I'm not going to send my knights to their deathbeds."

Kyden walked out of the room and trailed the path to the training grounds. The summer breeze on his land is still present, and the visitors are still coming.

Accepting the request can be an opportunity to, even more, secure the safety of his territory from monsters.

He reached the destination and found his knights in training, some running lapses and doing crunches, some practicing wielding their swords, and one was rolling on the ground snoring.

Kyden approached the one who was snoring and kicked his stomach.

"Rise and shine, sloth."

The man only grunted and turned his back on the Grand Duke. Due to this, Kyden slumped on the ground and lay beside him.

The man, wearing a loose shirt and trousers folded up to just below his knees, sprung up immediately and faced the Grand Duke.

"My lord! Don't just lay on the dirty ground...!" The man shouted. Feeling restless that his noble master just casually lied down.

Kyden sat up and answered.

"This dirty ground on my land might be in danger if you continue dilly-dallying here." His voice is mixed with light humor but the man could still feel the seriousness.

Kyden stood up and patted off the dirt on his clothes and bottom. He reached his hand towards the man afterward.

"Monsters attacking Omun province increased. If not stopped immediately, they might breach the barrier at the lake area."

Kyden was referring to the lake near the crimson forest, where the barrier is. That lake serves as the boundary between the forest and the territory.

"Preparations should be made immediately then, my lord." The man responded while accepting the hand of his master and standing up. He then patted off the dirt on his own clothes.

His brownish curly hair that reaches up to his nape flutters in the air. And his doe-shaped green eyes met the Grand Duke's.

"Please, give your orders."

"Gather at least a hundred capable nights to fight with stronger monsters. We will depart immediately using transportation magic."

"Yes, my lord!"

Kyden stared at the back of the man running towards the group of knights. That man was the captain of his knights.

Lionel Ferrer.

The son of his father's loyal vassal and personal knight.

Together with his friend, Marcus, Lionel also grew up with them. He was born at the duchy's castle and has been his companion since birth.

If Marcus hadn't come into his castle, Kyden thought that Lionel might have been his attendant. Since he, more than anyone in his duchy, was the more devout in making and nagging him to act like a proper noble.

He used to object to his friendship with Marcus back then, since the latter was born in the slum, but the two have become close friends now.

Kyden walked back inside the castle ground and headed in the opposite direction of the training area.

He entered a room filled with scrolls of magic circles, magic stones, and books scattered all over the place.

He found who he was looking for.

A lady with shoulder-length black hair wearing a white coat. She was busy writing something on the chalkboard of the room.

Shelly Ferrer. Lionel's younger sister looked back at the presence behind her.

When she saw that it was the Grand Duke, her face immediately rose in reddish color. She threw the chalk and straightened her wrinkled clothing.

"W-What can I do for you, your grace?"

Her obvious affection towards the Grand Duke can be seen by everyone who sees her. And the Grand Duke was aware of it. Furthermore, since she was the daughter of the former Grand Duke's loyal vassal, some citizens are expecting her to be the next duchess.

But Kyden never entertained her feelings, in fact, he even rejected her politely, but the lady is persistent.

Shelly, knowing and seeing that her master has not yet had someone in his heart, continues to shower her affection on him. In hopes that it will be returned one day.

"A portal that can transport a hundred knights at once," Kyden answered flatly.

If the lady magician is persistent, the Grand Duke is adamant.

"Open it at the training grounds. I'll tell you the coordinates once you arrive there. So, get ready." He said and walked off immediately.

He may appear rude and inconsiderate, but Kyden doesn't want her friend's younger sister to pursue him and only ends up hurting. Besides, he thought that he hadn't yet met the one he wanted to be with.

Cold and indifferent as he may be, growing up in a happy and harmonious family, and born out of a lovely and genuine marriage, Kyden also believes he will meet his own duchess.