19. Déjà vu

The hooves of horses are the only sounds that can be heard on that night. Even the coos and cries of the night owls and birds are being drowned by the heavy running of their mounts.

The road is rough and dark, and the only light is the bright moon above overshadowing the tall trees they pass on, blocking mostly the light it gives. Yet the man above the leading horse had no intention of stopping.

Maybe because the vicinity was uninhabited and too dangerous to stay longer in that place. Or perhaps, he was running after something or had a meeting he needed to attend.

But Mona knew none of that was right.

The man was enraged.

Another reason why the night seemed even colder than before, was because tiny flakes of frozen snow were coming out and being slapped at her from her front before entirely dissolving in the air.

If it was any other time, Mona would have been amazed to see the delicate and intricate shapes of those snowflakes and felt sad that they wouldn't stay longer in her presence, but now she can't even express her annoyance at the tiny cold things that come at her.

Although it was still a mystery to her why and what made the Grand Duke so mad.

She frowned at the man whipping his rein to make the horse run faster. She looked at her own horse and felt pity. The poor animal had been running for hours already without any rest, and it kind of shocked her it hadn't fainted yet.

"This is animal abuse," Mona whispered and pouted. She was reminded of that night on their way to the Lost Pier. And to hide her fear of dark roads and forests, she's letting out her frustration towards the Grand Duke instead. "What the hell is wrong with him? If he doesn't want to go with me, why not just say so?!"

She unconsciously kicked the horse which made it neighed and ran faster. The sudden speed caught her off guard, thankfully she pulled the rein immediately. Her mount caught up on the other horse, even though Mona didn't want to.

She felt like the anger of the Grand Duke was because of her. Although she had no idea why.

When Captain Lionel's younger sister aimed the sphere at her and was blocked by him, he was already mad. His face was grim and even the aura around him exuded danger.

At first, she thought something went wrong at the palace, but when he looked at her, Mona realized his anger was directed towards her.

Since then, the Grand Duke did not talk to her and only gave his order to find them horses to ride on.

Catching up to him, Mona shivered at the cold. This was also why she didn't want to come closer.

The man is a freaking iceberg!

A huge block of ice running on a horse!

Her teeth chattered, creating small noises in between. This caught the attention of the Grand Duke. He noticed his companion shaking and shivering due to the cold, so despite being mad, he slowed down and let the woman catch up.

Mona felt her horse slow down as well, so she managed to let one of her hands off the rein and tucked her cloak closer. She glanced at the Grand Duke and saw him holding a magic stone, and then a small fire was lit.

The small ball of fire floated and drifted from him to her. Which gives Mona a bit of warmth.

She appreciated the gesture, even when the Grand Duke instantly looked away and said nothing.

"Thank you." She murmured.

She heard him sigh frustratedly, then finally speak to her after a while.

"Let's talk about this later. We need to find a suitable place to settle for the night."

Mona only nodded. She was already satisfied that the Grand Duke stopped ignoring her.

They continued to travel on that dark path, but even after reaching past the tall trees, they failed to see any signs of dwelling. This part of the Omun province was already abandoned, and residents had already fled.

At a far distance, Kyden spotted a shack. They quickly approached and inspected it. The shack was roughly built, perhaps a small barn or a shed made for the passing merchants.

They tied their horses outside and entered the wooden hut. The drifting fire on Mona's shoulder moved to the center and became bigger. It showed the interior of the house, which was only occupied by a stack of hay laid on the ground, and a small table on a corner.

"This will do." The Grand Duke said and took his cape to cover the hay. "We will rest here for the night." He added, then lay down on his cape using his arm as a pillow.

Mona can't help but gape at the Grand Duke.

She thought about how unbothered of a person he was. Sure, it was a given that they had no choice but to settle inside together, but isn't it a basic courtesy to let the woman use the bed?

So, Mona reasoned, if the Grand Duke can be so unconcerned, then she will too.

She laid down her cloak and lay beside him. This conduct made the Grand Duke sit up immediately and yell at her.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Uh. Going to sleep?" She answered awkwardly.

The Grand Duke sighed and combed his hair with his hand exasperatedly.

"Don't just lie down beside a man, Miss Mona."

Mona sat up and faced him instead. "You said we'll talk."

She said and met the Grand Duke's eyes.

"I hate walking on threads. You're mad at me, but I don't know why."

"I'm not mad." Kyden looked away.

"Really? You're clearly shooting ice daggers with your eyes earlier."

The Grand Duke looked back and scowled at her sarcasm.

"Alright. I'm mad." He finally admitted.


"None of your business."

Kyden answered. Unsure how to tell her why he felt anger. He remembered how Shelly pointed the stuff ready to strike her, and Mona just waiting for it to shoot her, just when he exited the portal. At that moment, he did not hesitate to block the attack with thick ice. He was reminded of something he had long forgotten. A certain woman blocking her child from an accidental attack.

That memory is what brought out his anger.

But when he shifted his head and gazed at the woman beside him, he wasn't sure anymore.

He was aware that magic didn't work on her, but still, he wanted to tell her that it didn't mean the attack wouldn't be traumatizing. Besides, her body now holds and wields mana, unlike before when magic was instantly nullified on her presence, now it stays a bit longer before vanishing.

"Hey!" Mona exclaimed at the Grand Duke's words.

"It has nothing to do with you," Kyden replied instead and pulled his cape away from her. After straightening it, he lay down again and turned his back on her.

Silence ruled the place.

Mona frowned and lay down again. She watched the stars peeking into the tiny holes on the roof of the shack. And the sound of the whistling wind, paired with the small noises of hoots and chirping of crickets filled the silence of the night.

After some time, she can't help but ask him anymore.

"Did something go wrong at the palace?"

She waited for an answer. She knew the Grand Duke wasn't sleeping yet.

Rather, the Grand Duke won't sleep and guard them instead.

It took him a while to answer.

"Don't think about it. And just sleep."

Mona felt a wall the Grand Duke built. So, she stopped probing for answers.

'Maybe it was something he didn't want to share.'

Something personal, she thought.

She moved and turned her back on him too. The roughness of the hay beneath her cloak made her uncomfortable. But she didn't complain. She only thought of how her father would surely exaggerate why his princess was lying on such a bed. Mona could imagine it, and it made her smile.

In a drowsy state, she murmured her wishes to the Grand Duke.

"Goodnight, Your Grace."

Kyden was wide awake. Aside from staying conscious to guard the hut, he also cannot fall asleep even if he wants to.

Soon the little snoring sounds of the woman behind him drowned the chirping of the crickets. Kyden faced the old ceiling of the shack. In his peripheral vision, he could see Mona sleeping with her back turned on him. The light movement of her breathing implies no discomfort in her sleep.

Kyden was amazed yet concerned at how naive and laid back she was. To be sleeping comfortably in the presence of a man she only had met a few times.

Mona shifted her body and turned towards him. Her sleeping face, bare from any powder or lip tint yet still rosy and smooth, inched closer at him. She curled her body and hugged her knees. Only then did Kyden notice she had taken her boots and socks off, revealing her tiny and slender feet.

The gap between them was a meter, but Kyden still sighed helplessly and got up quickly.

He then picked up his cape and covered her entirely, only leaving her head out.

He slumped on the ground and leaned back on the wall. He decided to stand guard at the sleeping lady instead. Since he knew, he would not be able to take even a light nap that night.