24. Narra and the Great Ancient Library

"Let's stop here! I'm tired already..." Mona huffed and slumped on the green grass under the big tree in the garden of the grand duchy.

She wiped her sweaty face with the handkerchief lent by Sandra.

After catching her breath, she looked up and talked to the maid. "Can you sit? You standing in front is quite distractive."

The maid only raised her eyebrows, yet followed.

After the huge standing block in her front was seated by her side, Mona started to focus on her environment more. The huge tree they were leaning on wasn't in the middle, but rather on the far side of the garden, almost looking like it didn't even belong.

If not for the cobbled stone circling the tree on a four-meter-wide radius, she would think it was just a lone tree neglected by the gardener. And a few golden yellow petals are lying on the ground.

"So... does this tree have a history, too?" She asked the silent maid. Whose mouth only chatted up when the conversation was about history.

The reason why she was with her. Having heard her plans to tour the duchy, Sandra earnestly volunteered to be her guide and kept talking about this and that. Not that she didn't want to listen, but she ended up distracted and occupied with her stories rather than appreciating the place.

"In fact, yes, my lady." Her maid answered.

'I knew it.'

"This tree is actually a seedling gifted by the duchess to the former Grand Duke Adri. His grace' father."

Mona expressed her interest, so the maid continued. "It was said that the duchess wasn't really interested in him, so when he proposed marriage, the duchess gave him this seed and told him that if it grows, then she might consider his feelings.

The seed was from a fruit of a tropical tree, and knowing that the seed wouldn't grow on a cold land, the duchess' answer was already decided. But the Grand Duke did everything to make it grow, and seeing his effort and diligence, the seedling sprouts and began to grow."

"That's why the duchess agreed to marry him?"

"No, the duchess agreed because her feelings grew. What she gave the Grand Duke wasn't just a seedling, it was a seed imbued with her own heart. If genuine affection is poured, feelings may sprout. But if neglected, then love won't bloom." Sandra caressed the bark of the tree. "So, this tree symbolizes the affection of the duchess for the Grand Duke. Its size shows how big her love for him."

Mona looked up and stared at the dancing leaves of the tree. There were sprouts of golden yellow buds, and the fragrance of the tree was rose-like.

She heard from Sandra that the duchess was ill and recovering at a villa in the eastern part of the empire since the north had become too cold for her. While the Grand Duke's father was already gone. Though Sandra did not speak of what his death was.

The tree was still healthy, and new branches are still sprouting. If this signifies the duchess' feelings, then it was really wondrous how it grows continuously even when the other person is gone. And the image of the tree covered in golden petals but smelling like roses surely is a sight to behold. Mona had never seen that kind of tree.

But entwined to her amazement, was also a bit of sadness.

The huge tree almost covers up the area beyond the cobbled path walk, which is three meters wide. The stem they were leaning was thick and reddish, and the tree canopy was wide.

The sunlight peeks from the swaying leaves and hits her with its glare. She shut her eyes tightly since her vision became blurry. But the cold breeze of the mid-summer wind in the north was so relaxing and comforting, that Mona's eyes stayed closed for a while.

From afar, she could hear laughs and shouts. Probably coming from the direction of the training grounds. The Grand Duke's image floated in her mind, and the memories of that night followed.

"Shall we visit the training grounds next?"

She heard Sandra ask. But Mona immediately refused. The Grand Duke was probably there this time of day. But Mona hasn't yet prepared to see him again. Not after remembering what transpired between them. She felt embarrassed. And also flustered.

To say she was not affected by the Grand Duke's actions and words was clearly a huge lie. So, facing him now will surely throw her out on discomfort and self-consciousness.

"Rather than moving around again, just tell me stories about yourself. About the holy nation." She suggested instead.

Sandra became quiet. But Mona did not probe any further and just waited for her response.

After a while, the maid finally speaks.

"I was born there. A true citizen of the holy land." Sandra leaned on the tree and scanned the garden full of summer-blooming flowers, but her eyes weren't focused on them. "There was a time when young ladies aged from eleven onward were being brought to the temple after their divine mana was measured and passed the required amount the temple set. I was one of those ladies." She flashed a timid smile, reminiscing about her past.

A young girl playing on the streets with other children and doing errands from the vendors to earn money. Sometimes, the girl would sing and bask at the central plaza for bits of coins. Her life was simple and a bit hard, but the girl always managed to flash the same timid smile.

"We were taught many things. At first, I did not know why, since I only entered for free shelter and food. I was an orphan, by the way." Sandra glanced at her, seemingly perturbed that she might react negatively to that. Although Mona wondered why. When she saw her interest didn't waver, Sandra continued.

"Later, I found that it was actually a process to determine the most deserving for the position of the Saintess. But since I was not inclined to serve the nation, I didn't take the lessons too seriously."

"So, did you get kicked out then?" She was given a side glance at her question.

"No. I ran away."

Mona was quite shocked at the maid's answer. "Why though? I thought you preferred the temple to the streets?"

Sandra fell silent. She fiddled with her hands while displaying a troubled expression. She then looked at Mona, who was waiting for her answer. But her lady's eyes weren't forced at all, her black orbs were just waiting patiently for her.

When Mona saw her maid's discomfort and troubled face, she waited. But after not speaking for a while, she realized Sandra had no intention of answering her.

"Let's visit the kitchen next!" She yelled cheerfully and prepared to stand.

But Sandra opened her mouth.

"There was a..... hidden and restricted place inside the main temple. No one can enter, except the one holding the position of the Oracle." She murmured. Looking down at her own hands, she could feel the gaze of her lady focusing on her.

"That place was said to be keeping all the ancient books, scrolls, and relics. But it was also rumored as a door locking all secrets away. I don't know exactly but it seems there was something inside that speaks of only the truth. That's why it was hidden, and entrance is prohibited."

The maid remembered how she strived against her curiosity to be satisfied. But her own selfish intentions pushed her out. Her desire to learn of the woman who gave birth to her was what whispered and tempted her to find and enter the forbidden door.

And what lies beyond that door, she could not even dare to mention. She pursed her lips and exhaled deeply, there was no way she could tell those to her lady. It's best if the conversation will stop there.

So, to change the course of their topic, she mentioned a name that would surely distract her.

"My lady, the Grand Duke is coming..."

But her plan was too obvious for the keen and observant lady beside her.

Her ladyship laughed lightly but did not inquire more. Her black hair sways with her graceful movement. It was truly astounding how her lady perceives herself to be unrefined and unladylike, but in her eyes, or maybe even the eyes of another, Lady Mona carries herself with grace and an innate elegance. Even her voice was soft-spoken, although sometimes weird-sounding words came out.

Moreover, her ladyship exudes an unexplainable warmth that always puts her at ease. She knew it was due to her divine mana. She felt the same whenever she was with her old friend.

The image of that friend flashed in her mind. And somehow, her heart aches for that reason.

"My lady, the Grand Duke is coming..."

"I get it already. I won't ask anymore, so you can rest assured."

Sandra felt relieved. But her words are true this time. Her dashing master still covered in sweat is really approaching their direction, walking handsomely while wiping his nape with a cloth behind her lady. She sighed at the sight and shifted her eyes at her, unaware that the most unwanted person to meet on that day was just behind her now.

When the shadows of the tree covering them became darker, Mona looked above to check if it would rain but was stunned at the face that met her eyes. The person she was avoiding since earlier, stood behind her and looked down at her.

His elbow is bent leaning on the tree while the hand is supporting his inclined head. And his face was bathed in small rays of sunlight peeking on the leaves were smirking at her.

"Do you still remember our conversation two years ago, Miss Mona? About what will you do if you choose to stay here." The man said and wiggled his eyebrows.

Sandra quietly stood up and walked away. As fascinating as it may be to witness her master's face filled with mischief and amusement rather than boredom and nonchalant face, she thought it'd be better to leave the two by themselves.

The wind rustles the leaves of the huge tree, and the field of varying types of flowers in the vast garden swayed with them. Sandra hadn't yet reached the canopy that would lead her inside the mansion, but she already heard a short and distinguished laugh she seldom heard from her lord. And she thought that bringing the lady to the duchy was the right choice.

Her warmth will thaw a frozen heart.