56. Finding answers (4)


Shelly uttered but her mouth instantly shut closed after her eyes shifted behind her sibling. She lowered her head and opened the door widely.

Outside the room, Sir Lionel and the Grand Duke were standing. As soon as the door was opened wider, the Grand Duke walked inside and looked at Mona.

She immediately stood and gave him a nervous smile. Justifying her disappearance earlier, she speak cautiously, "I just came here to thank her for her check-ups..."

"Is that so?" She nodded to him. And he continued, "Did you thank her enough then?"

Hearing his question, she realized how she just went and expressed her gratitude without giving in return.

Looking a bit shameful, she shifted her eyes to the head mage and asked, "Right. I didn't give you anything as a token. Do you...have anything you want perhaps?"

But Shelly shook her head and answered casually, "You already gave me something, didn't you? You healed my wounds earlier. That's enough."

"Wounds?" Lionel intervened with them and asked worriedly. "What wounds? Were you hurt, Shel?"

Shelly answered her brother who came closer to her and inspected her appearance. "I was earlier. I made a slight mistake during my experiment and it exploded. I only got bruises all over. That's all."

"I told you to be more careful," Lionel answered with a frown.

"I was. I just got distracted by some noisy drumming."

Sandra coughed after hearing the magician's answer. While Mona averted her gaze and pretended to look around the room.

When her maid finished her fake coughing and silence ensued inside the room again, she turned to the Grand Duke and asked, "But how did you know were here?"



"And I intend to visit Shelly as well," Kyden added and looked over the dumbfounded mage.

She looked puzzled as to why the Grand Duke would visit her, but her face showed a bit of glee. Flashing her timid and polite smile to the Grand Duke, she asked carefully, "Is there something you need from me, my lord?"

"Yes," Kyden answered and looked back to Mona. "I plan to have her accompany us on our travel."

"W-What?" She threw a glance at the mage and saw her crestfallen shoulder but when she noticed her gaze, she immediately glared at her before composing herself again.

Mona was aware of her feelings toward her master, so she was hesitant to agree. Not that her opinion matters anyway, and surely the Grand Duke had a reason for taking the mage with them.

"Do you not intend to go visit the south and find the ancient relic?" Kyden asked her, which made her look at him again.

"I do." She answered firmly.

"Then, you must travel by land. Shelly and Lionel will accompany us. I need the head mage for quick transport if there's an urgent matter and the need to go back." He glanced at Sandra and said, "You will also go with us."

Sandra nodded and bowed curtly, "Yes, your grace."

"And some knights Lionel will choose will accompany us as well," Kyden added.

She bit her lips and asked him anxiously, "But, is it okay with them? They can just use a portal and reach the south easily. Why must they need to go to such trouble of traveling on horses for days?"

Mona thought that if it was her, she wouldn't waste time and energy for someone she barely knew and instead take the easier way.

Her thoughts must have been written visibly on her face when the Grand Duke flicked her forehead lightly and responded reassuringly and gently. "You don't have to worry at all. I'm sure some knights will even volunteer to escort you."

She felt relieved at his words. But upon seeing his smirk laced with menace, she felt pity for those knights who would surely be forced to comply with his demands if no one volunteered to accompany her.

"Then, when are we leaving, your grace? I have to know to prepare some things that I might need." Shelly asked suddenly, garnering their attention.


Mona turned her head to him, "Aren't you busy?" She asked, about his leave at the library earlier to attend to some matters.

"Not at all." He replied shortly.

Mona wanted to ask more about that, but she chose not to. Telling herself that she doesn't have the right to get involved in everything he does.

After everything was settled, the Grand Duke went back to his office to finish the work that might pile on his absence. While the captain returned to guard the unwanted guest of his master. Only after Sir Lionel spoke of that did Mona remember the marquess.

Before leaving she asked him, "Can I go with you? I wanted to see him for a bit."

Kyden looked at her and nodded to his captain before returning to his office.

"This way, Lady Mona." Lionel went ahead and led her and Sandra to another room.

"Can I make a request, Sir Lionel?" She said hesitantly during their walk.

"What is it, my lady?"

"About the knights who will accompany us. I'd be more comfortable if they were the ones that I'm quite close with." She lowered her voice to not appear demanding and picky. But she really wanted to travel with a light atmosphere instead of discomfort and animosity.

Lionel smiled at her and answered, "I will choose Lucaz and Pierre, then."

She sighed out of relief and the captain's smile grew even wider. It was because Lionel could see that the lady was eager to suggest the two names but couldn't demand it specifically, afraid that she'd appear insistent.

When they reached the intended room, Lionel opened the door and chose to just stand outside with Sandra together with the other knights. She stepped in and found the marquess flipping pages of a book looking so annoyed at his seat.

When her presence became known, he lifted her head and just threw the book elsewhere before running to her.

Mona was immediately embraced by warm and toned arms. Her physique was like a child compared to the marquess. She was petite and her brother was tall and towering over her. Yet their attitude is quite the reverse.

"I thought you've forgotten me." He murmured above her head.

She bit her lips and felt guilty that he was right. She returned the hug, which made the marquess flinched, and his embrace got tighter.

"Now, let me go. I have something I wanted to tell you." She said after a while.

Luven let her go and pulled her to the seat. He gawked at her like an obedient puppy waiting for his master's order.

She cleared her throat and began speaking, "Tomorrow, we will be leaving for the south and-"

"After you've just woken up? Are you able to travel that long already? And why would you go to the South? Do you need something there?" He cut between her words and bombarded her with questions.

She clamped her hand on his mouth which only made him stop. Then she answered his every question.

"I'm a divine mana user." Her first answer made him shocked, and she could see bewilderment in his eyes. "I can heal myself anytime, so yes, I can travel that long just fine. South is where the Wynzels are, the first victim, and I need to retrieve the relic to bring it back to the Holy Nation."

She took back her hand and stared back at the marquess gaping at her. He's probably perplexed to hear that she wields pure mana. It was one of the reasons that confirmed she was already a different person.

"If you came here to visit and spend time with me... I am sorry that I need to leave as soon as you arrive. But if you want to come with me, I'm fine with that." She added.

Luven was silent for a while. His face wore unreadable emotions. And somehow, Mona felt a bit sad that whenever she reminded him of her identity, it felt like there were walls between them. The marquess cannot see her as Mona completely.

"My sister....", She blinked and focused her attention on him, "...she was a dark mana user. So, divinity was yours originally..."

She heard the sadness in his voice, yet her heart was glad to hear him acknowledge her differences and separate her from his sister.

"Mm." She gave him a tender smile, and continued, "I don't know how it happened. But sometimes, it also makes me wonder why me of all people, who answered your sister's summon and occupy her body." She bit her lips and gazed outside the window.

"My death was so sudden, and Luna's was predetermined. She willingly accepts death after fighting for her integrity, and I was just wasting my life yet afraid to die. I feel like your sister gave me another chance to live correctly in exchange for proving her innocence."

She returned her gaze to him and continued, "It may sound unfair to you, but please don't blame me for being here nor force me to act like her."

Even after saying all of those words, Luven stayed silent and dazed. Mona decided to stand and leave already, letting the marquess brood over her speech.

It will probably take time for him to completely accept everything. Even so, Mona wants to continue treating him like her brother, so she's willing to wait until he calls her sister with her name in mind instead of Luna.

When they reached her room, Sandra immediately prepared their luggage. Folding her clothes on the bed, she threw her a question.

"Is it okay to tell the headmage about your abilities?"

Mona put down the sword she was cleaning and turned toward the maid. "Do you think she'll tell anyone?"

"I don't know, my lady. But her hostility towards you was because of the Grand Duke's affection for you-"

"A-Affection...?" She blushed and averted her eyes from Sandra. "It isn't like that..."

Looking at her with a dumb expression on her face, Sandra answered nonchalantly, "Miss, you don't kiss someone you don't have affection for."

"K-Kiss?!", She stood and shouted, "When did I kiss him?!"

But Sandra's next words shocked the hell out of her. "You didn't kiss him. His grace kissed you."