75. Royal Banquet

After her desperate search for her brother failed, two days passed by. Within those days, aside from trying to find time with the Grand Duke to talk about what happened that night; she became busy preparing for the royal banquet.

From making her dress to planning how she will be introduced to society as a new person, without revealing her face yet.

Fortunately, the servants at the Adri Mansion behaved well and didn't pry more about her identity. It seems that they have already been told to never ask beforehand. They simply followed the headmistress' orders and aided Sandra in attending to her.

Mona wearily slumped her body on the couch in her room, she just returned from trying out the dress she would wear to the banquet, which was just around the corner. Funny enough, her room was just beside the Grand Duke yet she hadn't seen his face for the past two days.

Not that she didn't try to come to him, in fact, when her imagination grew worse from thinking of possible scenarios, added by her failure to release her frustration; she tried to meet him to set her mind at ease.

But the latter rarely came to his room, later she found out that the Grand Duke was almost staying at the royal palace because he met with the emperor.

"Sandra, you will accompany me, right?"

The maid in question put down the tray of refreshments in her front and answered in her usual dull tone, "The Grand Duke will be your escort, my lady."

She poured tea and handed it to her, accepting the cup, she responded with a frown, "But his grace hasn't come home yet. He's the one who planned this; telling me to just appear in the center and use divine magic but not even explaining the details. What am I supposed to do once I arrive at the banquet hall?"

"You just need to trust his grace."

"But it's nerve-wracking to be told to do something without knowing anything." She replied and sipped on her tea. "Besides, do I have to wear the mask too?"

"No idea. Let's ask his grace when he returns." Sandra stood and went on to close the door on the balcony. "Lady Shelly and Sir Lionel will be attending as well, so you won't be bored."

Mona was aware of that.

Shelly was also receiving her end in trying dresses she needed to wear since both of them didn't bring any at all. She was also expecting that her maid would come with them, but it seems that Sandra is purposely trying not to attend.

"Is there a reason why you don't want to go to the banquet?" She asked in the end.

Sandra's hands that were pulling the curtains, flinched at her question, but that slight reaction did not escape from Mona's eyes. It seems that her friend has some big secrets she's hiding, but Mona respects her privacy and no longer probes. But in her mind, remained one question.

Was Sandra… a runaway royalty? That's why she doesn't want to enter the palace.

"There is no such an absurd reason, my lady." She went back and sat across her, "It was written on your face, that's why. I am just a mere maid. I don't deserve to enter a royal banquet."

She looked at her dumbfounded, "And me?"

Wasn't she just an unknown lady receiving generosity from them?

"You're different."

Mona was left speechless.

She just stared at Sandra, thinking how was she different. They both were sheltered by the Grand Duke; both individuals don't have anything on their names, and both wield divine mana. Maybe the only difference is how the Grand Duke treated them.

She gets to clean her name and start a new life because Kyden has been on her side helping and protecting her.

"Besides, my lady, I don't like parties at all."

Although her last words are likely lies, Mona still feels that Sandra is hiding from something. Whatever that is, she promised to protect her friend no matter what.

Before the clock struck six in the evening, the three of them were already dressed and ready to leave the mansion.

Yet the Grand Duke was nowhere to be seen.

Unconsciously, Mona kept biting her lips. Her nervousness is consuming her. It wasn't her first time attending a banquet. There were banquets held at the holy nation as well, organized by nobles who were showing their gratitude for the blessing they received, so priests and even commoners were welcomed.

Those parties were harmonious and had a light and relaxing atmosphere.

She doesn't need to be careful of what she does or speaks as long as she doesn't create trouble for the temple. But now, she will be introduced as Mona Adriana Young, from there on, she needs to watch and hold herself in a good way if she's going to stand beside the man she loves.

Her confidence is starting to crumble slowly.

What happened to the Monarki who doesn't give a damn about anyone's opinion?! She thought to herself as she watched Lionel opening the carriage's door for her and Shelly.

"Is there something wrong?" Shelly asked her as soon as they were settled inside. Her green dress decorated with shining black beads on its hem and collar complements her features. Her black hair was braided in whole and adorned with ornaments.

She gave her a reassuring smile and answered, "No. You look beautiful, Lady Shelly."

"Hmph. I also think I am." Shelly responded and scooted on the other end of the seat. "You look pretty as well."

"I always am." Her answers gained a sour look from the mage. It somehow made her nerves calm down a bit.

"Are you that cold?" Shelly asked again, it was because her dress had a thick shawl with a furry texture draped on her shoulders.

"If I don't wear it then I will be cold." The dress alone is an off-shoulder with a safe neckline that exposes her collarbones and shoulder blades, with the top hugging her upper body tightly showing her slenderness and curves, thanks to the corset she's wearing.

"Who picked your dress anyway?" Shelly frowned and examined her look once again.

"Sandra. She said I have defined collarbones, so she chose something like this."

"And yet you're hiding them with that."

"It's cold at night."

Lionel entered the carriage and sat beside his sister. Glancing at her, he commented on the course of their conversation. "It is a good choice, my lady. His grace won't be happy if you took that off."

'Yeah, I already realized that.' Mona thought.

"I'm sorry that the grand duke won't be going with us, Lady Mona," Lionel said after sitting comfortably. Unlike the usual knight's uniform that she always sees him wear, the captain was dressed in a formal suit complementing Shelly's dress.

"No, it's fine. I understand his grace is busy." She smiled and looked outside the window as soon as the carriage began to move.

She knew just what the Grand Duke was making so busy; it was to make her debut to society without any problems. From checking any potential dangers that may come her way with just a simple recognition of her face, to probably planning how to receive and take the nobles' response.

For the Grand Duke, the latter wouldn't be a problem to him at all since he didn't really care about other nobles. But since it involved her, she was sure the man would at least try not to freeze the entire banquet hall.

The royal road they were treading was also packed with carriages ready to depart from every mansion's gate of other nobles, and those who were already on the road were making room for them to pass as soon as they recognized their carriage's insignia.

The night was bustling with lights from the outside, and though the current season was quite chilly, the sky was adorned with plenty of stars, making that night more special for Mona. It's like their constant twinkling is telling her that everything will be alright.

But right now, they weren't enough to give her relief and boost her confidence.

The one she wanted to be by her side was missing. Though the silent support of her other two companions who were also aware of what was to happen on that night was calming her a bit, she felt grateful yet also agitated.

The Grand Duke. She needed him now more than anyone.