94. Unexpected Visitors

At the Wynzel Dukedom.

"Your grace, the Grand Duke of Adri and Lady Mona have arrived in the South." The butler informed the Duke of Wynzel who was scanning a book at the children's section in his mansion's library. He was looking for an interesting fairytale book to read to his son before bedtime.

"Where are they now?" The duke asked without glancing at the butler.

"The knights at the fort said that they took rest from a nearby inn. They will probably arrive before it gets dark."

"Make sure to prepare sumptuous, luxurious meals. And ready the rooms at the west wing of the palace." Duke Wynzel finally looked over the man, "Lady Mona was my son's savior. I want her to be treated nothing but the best while she is here."

The butler bowed his head. "Yes, my lord."