Side Story (5)

"My lady! Rise and shine!" Cassandra flipped the covers, revealing the slender figure of her lady sprawled in her bed. Her hair was scattered on her pillow and her fair skin glowed from the rays of the sunshine passing through the tall windows after Cassandra opened the curtains.

Elizabeth's long golden eyelashes fluttered lightly before her eyes slowly opened. She languidly lifted her arms and covered her face with her elbow, while her other hand caught her yawn. She lazily pulled herself up and stretched her limbs, her disheveled hair swaying with her movements.

Cassandra watched her lady frown from her wake-up call. There was amusement in her eyes, and an obvious fondness was discernable in her gentle smile. The noble lady gathered her hair on one side and searched for her.

She was standing near the windows, so when the lady spun her head towards her, she was hit by the bright light of the morning sun, which she tried to hide from earlier.