125. Exchange of hostages

Grand Duke Adri ran faster as soon as the portal created by the first highest priest opened at his castle. He wasted no time and went directly to the head mage's laboratory. 

The door banged loudly as it hit the wall, and Shelly, who was busy infusing magic into her subject was startled. She frowned as she turned her head toward the door, ready to shout at whoever dared to disturb her work.


"Create a portal leading to the exact location I'll give you," Kyden ordered immediately. He spun around and took the map he saw lying somewhere in the headmage's messy room.

Shelly understood the urgency of the order. She nodded quickly and prepared a pen and blank parchment. The grand duke had pointed to the location on the map she provided and she immediately wrote the coordinates down.

After the magic circle was finished, the portal was created as soon as she infused her mana.