Cursed Blade

As Alex stole away in the night, he excitedly checked his score board to see if he had gotten any major upgrades. The screen came alive with the data he requested. Alex was pleased to see that he had made proper advancements in every single value. That was actually understandable given the fact that he had just had sex with the fox demon of all creatures.

But the one thing he was still low on was his Eye of god ability. Alex shook himself off before he allowed his self to walk down the path of regret. Daji was simply someone to be taken lightly. If he had ended up using her to boost his Eye of god, there was no doubt that he would have been imprisoned by her even before his return to the god realm.

With Daji, there was simply no winning. She gladly screwed over every opponent that was unfortunate to get in her way. Alex counted himself lucky he had escaped.

He focused on his upgrades as he swaggered through the night unperturbed. Hi srecent upgrades were sweet enough. Asides from his Eye of god that had risen to a level 10, he had also managed to unleash some other crazy abilities.

Finger of god was one of such terrible powers. He could quite literally reach out to a human and touch their soul without having to change forms. But that was not even the coolest part yet. He had apparently gotten a packaged deal, or a five in one special. Like a sick joke, he now had the chilling ability to become invisible at any point in time.

Teleportation was now available unto him. Finally, he could now abandon doors entirely. Alex had not realized just how much he hated them until now. This added advantage of teleportation simply meant that he did not have to cover long distances on foot like a caveman. Astral projection had also been unlocked for him. He was not really a fan of leaving his body behind to watch perpetrate heinous crimes. Telekinesis was also on the list, as well as some other superpowers that no one could hope to match in this world.

Meeting, and having sex with Daji had been a real dumb stroke of luck. To think that he would run into the Nine Tailed fox of all people, that had been a real jackpot. But he could not really hope to match that in the future.

He continued to forge a path, hoping to bust out at some major intersection. The robbers' hideout appeared to be on the outskirts of town. It was not surprising entirely considering the nature of their jobs. He could have very easily teleported out of there, but his time as a human made him appreciate the chore that was trekking. It gave him the opportunity to put his mind to work, while putting his body to work at the same time.

Alex reflected on his latest string of dalliances and saw that he had actually been twice as lucky. Much like Daji, Catherine had turned out to be a real tasty surprise. He was not sure it it had been the past dynamic between them that triggered the heat, but she had turned out to be a remarkably passionate lover. She was no enigma like Daji of course, but so far, Catherine was definitely the tastiest human female he had ever had.

But as special as she was, she simply was not enough. It was just like chess- no matter how powerful a queen was, the aim of every good player is always to create more of her. Right now, Alex needed the equivalent of those queen type of women. He needed girls with higher pleasure values, and he needed to find them real quick!

As ambitious as his plan was, acquiring such priceless gems was no small feat. Even as a god. He simply could not go around spreading legs, hoping to catch a unicorn. More than anyone else, he knew girls like that were rare, much rarer than unicorns. Even with his Eye of god, he could not just go creeping around in public places all day, staring at women like a pervert who was actively checking them out for the obvious purpose of sleeping with them.

That was not a good plan. In fact, it was not even a plan to start with. There had to be a more efficient way. But how? That was the question of the day.

When he finally lifted his eyes and came out of his mental prison, he was a little surprised to see that the had somehow managed to wander into a busy section of the city. Despite the fact that it was close to 3am, the nightlife was actively busting with all sorts of activities. A few prostitutes lingered on the sidewalk. One eyed him brazenly, as if daring him to come be a man. He took a look at her with his Eye of god and was repulsed. She was a walking desert. They all were.

Up ahead, a grilled fish vendor by the roadside was angrily shouting at two little street children who had managed to snatch a full length of mackerel from the burning coals (inspite of how incredibly hot it was!) There was no doubt that the little boys hand would suffer terrible blisters before dawn. But if that was the price he and his friend were to pay for the sizzling, aromatic delicacy, then they were willing to pay it. It was just insane how much pain the was willing to endure for a snack.

Alex was not at all interested in the drama and wanted to ignore the shenanigans of the young humans. But a very peculiar advert caught his eye. Next to the fish stall, on a full length of colored paper was a very intriguing image.

Intrigued, he proceeded to cross the street to investigate further. On the road, he was almost done in by an angry motorist, but he managed to arrive at the other side unscathed. Clutching his two heavy bags filled with cash, he approached the wall and looked on the poster. There was an image of an exotic looking dagger with a wicked looking curved blade. The sign above it said it was 'Cursed Blade' and the information siad it was being auctioned

"This isn't an aquarium buddy!" The vendor raked at him angrily. "Either buy something or get moving!!"

Alex did not so much as glance in his direction. He was not listening at all. The advert on the wall called out to him. Not because of the sleazy looking picture of the blade, but because he knew its origin and the story behind its being 'cursed.' He knew the original owner.

If Alex was a whore monger, then Sword god could be perfectly described as a war monger. He literally existed for chaos and destruction. Consequently, he spent a significant amount of his time here on earth. If there was some mass scale blood shed anywhere in the realm of man, Alex was always willing to bet that Sword god was to be blamed. He was almost always involved (whether directly or indirectly.)

In regards to his connection with the Cursed Blade, during Sword god's last walk on earth, he had accidentally discarded it on earth. Now, as to whether he had an ulterior motive for 'accidentally' leaving it behind, Alex did not know. But what he did know was that he simply had to have it. Normally, a weapon like this would not even make it to his top priorities. But times were very different now. With the way things were, having that weapon was a must. He simply had to have it and the reason was clear enough.

The Cursed Blade was a level 10 artifact. If Alex could actually manage to harness its power (and he was sure he could), then it would greatly boost his upgrades by a significant degree. But firstly, he had to acquire it first. Thankfully, he had the one thing that humans regarded as true power- money.

"Hey grimace!! I'm talking to you!!" He was shaking his knife his Alex's face now, "Move along I say! Before I move you."

This time, Alex did not ignore him. He turned around slowly. Looking him dead in the eye, he said calmly; "I want to buy."