Let’s Do This

Lilith was dangerously close to him now. So close, he could see the dividing line of her heavy breasts clearly. She still kept her eyes pinned on him. Her feline attributes were more pronounced when she was on the hunt. Once again, Alex mentally reviewed his options with a great speed. He already knew he had no choice. But he could not help but try to figure out a way to wring himself out of this hole that he had dug for himself, and Lilith was trying to bury him in.

There was no way out.

The only way out of this particular hole, was to go through Lilith's hole- or holes. Which ever she chose. She was freaky that way. If he did not, the consequence was simple- he would be reborn as a normal human again. This time, with no powers. This time, he would be closely observed by the host of faceless beings that were the heavenly watchers. It was not worth it. He had to take one for the team.

His voice, dry and husky, he finally gave in-

"Fine. Let's do this. This secret stays between us Lilith, I mean it! And this is a one off. Don't even think for a second that this will become a regular thing..."

Lilith smiled, but the smile did not reach her eyes;

"You know me well enough to know that there's certain boundaries I will not cross...espcecially for you..."

Her left hand trailed his chest. As she spoke in low, barely inaudible tones

"I like this form you've taken. The human is not bad looking. I must say, this is freaky even for me...I'm making love to a human teenager who happens to be the sex god..."

Alex had spent enough time with Lilith to know that she was already getting turned on. The sharp witty replies were starting to become less frequent. Her tone had drastically dropped, and her eyes were aflame with a burning need that could be felt from across the seas. He did not need to activate his Eye of god to see that. He knew her body like the back of his hand. It was the familiarity that made it all too easy.

But in this case, easy did not neccessarily translate to simple. He had to put in the work. She placed her feet on his toes and moaned the magic word into his mouth as she reached in for a kiss;


Because she was more of a god than Alex at this point, that was all she needed to say to teleport them away from that location. Time and space blended into one hazy blip, and in a twinkle of an eye, they were whisked away from that location to a totally different location. At the last second, Alex used his power to shield Eliana and Scarlett while he went off to fuck his way to freedom. There was no way he could leave them unprotected in Hell.

Lilith's cove was in a different realm entirely. She was in a whole different league of her own As somone who enjoyed the pleasures of all worlds, she had exquisite taste.

Of all the places to establish her abode, she chose the top of a mountain overlooking a valley on one side, and a vast green sea on the other. The habitat itself was not all too grand in terms of building texture and architecture. It was simple in a way. There were no walls or doors or gates. She managed to contruct a castle made up of white tents!

It was quite a spectacle. It was like a collection of tents, but the insides was tastefully furnished. The glowing white sheets overhead refracted a decent portion of the sun's rays, while retaining enough heat to balance the cool sea breeze coming from the east. Marble white tiles graced the floors. In the middle section was what appeared to be the courtyard/living room/reception. White Roman cushions were sprawled out, forming a kind of crescent shape. And at the base of the semi circle were white persian rugs that formed a kind of triangle.

That space looked like an altar.

But in reality, it was the perfect space for an orgy. The entire abode resembled some new age retreat camp where hippies and potential hobos could go to cleanse their chi. But that was far from the point. There was no one present at the time. But Alex was under no illusion- this was a sex den. Lilith was known to invite (or kidnap) some of earth's mightiest heros and beautiful women and have them go for days, just making love and getting drunk.

But this time, there was no orgy. This time, it was just her and the god of sex. Alex was all she needed. He was all she wanted. She had desperately longed for this, and now that he was here, she was determined to enjoy every moment of it. Of course, she was going to make sure Alex enjoyed every bit. There was no way she was going to allow this to be a one-night stand. With her libido in flames, she pushed Alex to one of the long couches on the left and began the slow process of making him wait.

Slouched on the couch, watching the goddess slip out of her dress, from that point of view, Alex realized that this was the first time he was actually seeing her properly. Maybe it was the superb lighting, or the open space, or the all white cleaness that called out to him to be spoiled by both of their body fluids. Or maybe- it was just the allure of this goddess, and he was starting to actually want her despite all his previous thoughts.

Lilith was built like a middle eastern princess.

Her strong firm hips corseted into an hourglass at the middle. She was trim. But somehow, the goddess retained the right amount of flesh in her supple brown breasts, in her thick meaty thighs, and of course, her jiggly backside that jiggled when she walked. Her skin was like pale-like bronze, the color of the desert sand. And her eyes- her eyes held an ocean of stars between them. They were like burning torches, and they never went out.

The white Roman gown she had on fully accentuated her curves. So, instead of starting with the top, she decided to bring out the big guns first.

Lilith, turned backwards. With her juicy ass teasing Alex from behind the white dress, she slowly lifted up her gown, bent forward and took off her silver colored panties with a feminine grace of a goddess. Her movements were precise. The full glare of her big round ass imprinted in Alex's eyes. Each butt cheek was glorious in their own right, and they were well veiled behind the dress.

A surge of animal-like desire coursed through his entire being. Blood rushed, and the front of his trousers began to swell and rise, until it became a pronounced bulge.

Lilith turned to face him, and covered the short distance between them as she catwalked towards him, dangling the underwear on her fore finger. She climbed onto him and lowered the tong onto his face. It was soaked with her deliciousness. Only a small whiff was enough to ring the alarm bells in his head. It was familiar scent he had known for a long time. He had been with enough women to know that each woman had their own distinct musk- but Lilith's was one he could never forget.

She tossed the panties aside and reached down for a kiss.

It was a deep, long, lusty kiss between two former lovers that betrayed their ravenous hunger for each other. Lilith's tongue expertly found his, and they devoured each other. Still sitting on him, she guided his hand between her thighs, and led him to graze the soft flesh that was her pussy. She was also thick down there. Alex wholly welcomed the feel of her organ by groaning in her mouth. Lilith's body in turn reciprocated the excitement by sending flood waves down her tube, making her even wetter.

His free hand found her left boob and squeezed hungrily.

She immediately backed out, leaving Alex with a surprised look that betrayed just how much he yet to be satisfied. But that was none of her business. She loved to be in control, and Alex's wandering hand was not part of the script. As she backed away, she pushed his chest, causing him to lay down flat on his back. He did not resist.