Chapter 5-A conversation with love

Tomorrow is war. This is the night before war. Izek had a wife with whom he married before he died. Ahhh what a beautiful girl she is. Her name was Michael. She also didn't had any surname like Izek. They were perfect for each other. Michael was Izek's lover bestfriend family everything. He only had her. That's why he loves her so much. Michael and Izek met at the age of 22 then they became best friend started spending time together. At the age of 26 they got married. If anything happens to her then Izek doesn't take any second to solve it. If any person got a problem with her then He's just head. Izek can do anything for sake of her. They are married for 2 years. Now they are going to have a baby. That's the reason Izek is a little bit worried for. He anything happens to him who will take care of them. One thing Michael also know that no one can love her the way izek does. She understands it from there teenage time.

Izek was sitting next to her resting his head on his shoulder. He asked Michael, "what do you think. will we win tomorrow?" she said, "I don't know but promise me one thing, you will come back to home no matter what. I can't lose you again. I somehow convinced master to get you back but I don't think he'll do the same again. I want you to be with me till i die. I'm carrying your baby Izek. I want to see him grow together with you." "My pretty lady, you know when i look at your eyes, it feels like watching the birth of two star's in the edge of the gelexy. I promise you I'll be back and i also train him how to handle his mother anger haha." "youuu... i will kill you if you will make a mosquito like you" "heyy I'm not a mosquito i can take you in one hand." "haha watch it in dream boy it's not you thing." Then Izek takes her up and go home and said while walking, " you see madam, it's just a samll thing for me." she said, " I know you could do it i just wanted to get on your lap haha." "Ahh your so adorable". Then the other members of the loner's arrived.