Chapter 8- War begins

That day camed when they have to face each other. It was a day which was going to change the history. Izek was prepared with his army holding there each weapon. Izek had his chainsaw in his hand. On the other side king S Boredo was leading the survivors natives group who eagerly awaiting for battle. After a while civilians also showed up on the battlefield standing by the natives side. Because they heard that izek will kill every humans and they were against it. Loner's got million's of humans against them but they didn't scared a little bit. Both side are prepared for battle with horses elephant's holding bow and swords. The war has begun. people were killing whoever they could. There was a huge crowd on the battlefield. Loner's has became killing machine. It's like one loner is enough for 1000 natives. With in a hour there were blood in every were. Loner's was showering with blood. It is true that loner's were less in number than other's but they were enough for all of them. The situation was very dire. Natives groups were beating loners so badly. They bursting loner's heads. With there strong punches loners were vomiting. But this doesn't end up here. The loner's were giving them a very horrible death. They cut off there hands and lehs took there lungs and heart out. Loner's has become like monster's. They was killing simply. They are giving every one of them a horrible death.