Flaring Up

She did everything necessary to get me out and dad wasn't happy. I'd expected him to lash out on her but he did nothing, instead he maintained his cool and let it slide.

"No problem then, you can come with me."

"What?!", definitely not. Nancy will make mockery of me if I go. "Am better of at home."

"Ha!, i agree to disagree…",Helene chuckled. "... You aren't staying at home, not with dad around. ", her right hand and mine were touching, a tingling feeling engulfed me.

"Yeahh… He might still go out.", I got up quickly, pacing few feet away, with folded hands.

"I checked his schedule for the weekend and he's totally free."

"Well your mom is around...right! "

"Arrgh… Stop being stubborn.", I heard her are alighting from the bed. "What the worse that could happen? "

"Nancy will kill me If I attend.", I protested facing her. "... Besides this isn't the first, second or third time am not receiving an invitation. So am use to it.", I lied tho, being neglected endlessly in the community, as well as the school has made made faced many traumas. Only if my mum was alive I wouldn't care less, but Helene here was just different, plus... she had my mum face and everything about her.

My heart skipped each time I mistaken her for my dead mother. But what there to skip about, she was just her exact replicate, the way she walks, eat and do everything.

" I don't think you are use to it.".


Her index finger laid on my lips again, "Shush… Don't say a word.", her words were like whispers. Slowly, moving me back to the wall. And just when she had successfully pinned me on the wall, her body suddenly pressed against mine. I was confused, the closure was intense.

Our faces where touching and I couldn't help but mesmerize at her peculiar golden eyeballs. Those eyes reminds me of my mum. God! What am I doing!

"Will. You. Come. With. Me or not? ", her voice still whispers.

"Yes..", my lips broke, releasing a warm breath that caressed her lips, I sighted her getting a little bit aroused or she was already? Her hands gently ran up my waist holding them.

Then, she drew in closer, her lips passed mine and went for my ears. "...Good girl!."

She abruptly said pulling me in more tighter and pecked me. She withdrew from the hug before heading straight for her bathroom.


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My eyes shut open to the rotating celling fan. But that wasn't what woke me up. The rotating noise wasn't strong enough. Neither was my alarm, it wasn't even time yet for the alarm to go off, it was just 5:59am. Just an hour more to '7' o'clock.

Something else woke me up. I felt a tingling feeling underneath the blanket over me. I removed the blanket, unexpectedly and shocked! My downside was wet, not like I peed in my sleep but something much more unrelated.

Abruptly, the door to my room opens up slowly. Quickly , I covered myself to avoid any topic on it from whoever that may be coming in.

As the door finished it opening. Helene was standing there. She was in her pink towel. Perhaps she had just taken her bath and decided to check up on me.

My eyes raked her from up to down slowly. The towel really hugged her body , unveiling her shape and hugeness of the watermelons situated in front of her chest, I wonder how the apples behind her where, gosh! What am I thinking!.

"You awake? "

"I guess so…", I replied yawning. "What are you doing here anyways? "

"Just thought I dropped by"


"And don't think of going anywhere or you're gonna hate me,you get it?", am I slave or something? She had no right over me, she might have my mom's face but no! She wasn't the boss of me.

"And if you are so stubborn then just so you know the storm might be over but the damages are well versed everywhere."

Grumbling inwardly , I stubbornly went back to bed with the doors shutting close on Helene's departure. I was trying to summon the sleeping entity to take over and allow me to immerse myself back into my world of fantasy , If only it was fantasy… Because getting wet was definitely not part of my fantasy world.

I haven't even masturbated for a long time now…

"Ugh!", i yelped In shock feeling a hand massage my downside. Shooting my sex meter gauge upwards. I jerked out of bed immediately meeting the face of the woman who happened to be Helene's mom.

What was she doing in my room? Didn't Helene leave few seconds ago? So where did she come from all of the sudden? I kept spawning thoughts but Helene's horny mum kept trying to massage my pus!!sy forcefully.

I struggled to prevent her but her reply to my defense was deafening. Her lips had encapsulated mine,her hand grabbing my small oranges without hesitation. But no, I jerked back again, breathing heavily.

"Hey!", I yelped. "... What gives! ", breathing uncontrollably.

"If you want to continue staying in this house, you have to give in to my demands or I will be sure to have you thrown out. You know how badly my husband wants you out, oh… Sorry, my bad; your dad wants you out."

"Oh stop it!.", I yelped still trying to catch my breath, her mouth was a warzone. "I planned on leaving anyways."

I got up and so did she. Blocking my part. She was a busty one like her daughter that I couldn't ignore. She had long strands of hair on the sides of her face. Owning brown eyeballs that looks cute when she blinks.

She folded her hands beneath her watermelons. "Don't try to act smart with me. We both know my daughter won't let you go anywhere but still, I can always have you kicked out by doing some grand scheme that Helene will have no choice but I believe. "

I shot a strict look at her, but it didn't intimidate her one bit. Instead she walked around me , then sitting down on my bed playing with the table clock and smiled seductively. "I want to see what so special about you."

I turned back and watch her play childishly with my table clock, before she relaxed her back. She carried her leg upfront, enabling her red robe to fall back down a bit, revealing she had no underwear on, exposing are neatly shaved pus!!sy.

O God!, I removed my eyes but she had already seen me. And my downside hadn't even dried of yet! Fu!!ck! Her eye fell on them and she giggled getting up.

"Looks like someone has been day dreaming getting fu!cked, am right aren't I?", she drew closer. Holding my hands with hers. "And I thought the Daniels daughter was so committed… Turns out she isn't."


I couldn't speak when Selene offered me a deep passionate kiss I had immersed in. Selene had my hands climbing her chest up to her watermelon, squeezing them… God! What my doing?! We both moaned together.

Our intoxicating tongue wrestled one another. Her saliva and mine mixed forming a juice we both sucked on. Oh lord am ...loosing it! Fuck!

She released my hands and they did the rest, while she slips her hands into my panties, playing with my pus!sy.

Knock knock…

Thank Goodness… I quickly broke free, ruffling my black long hair, dressing the strands that hung freely, neatly.

Selene on the other hand shamelessly adjusted her robe faking her leave with Helene walking in with a tray embodying a bunch of food.

"Oh… Look who's been busy cooking. "

"And look who's been sneaking up and down."

"Oh boy… ", I murmured watching the heat flare up.

"Why don't you tell me why you are here? To threaten her like dad did or what?"

Selene chuckled with a daring smile. "Exactly that."

"Well you are waisting your time. You can't throw her out, not while am around. "

Selene nodded sideways. "We'll see about that. ", feeling so full of herself, she walked out. Closing the door shut with a bang that angered Helene.

Sigh… This is so awkward right now!

Helene fumed, exhaling a deep breath and puts on a happy face. Putting behind whatever happened between her and her Mom.

She walked over to my side setting the tray down on the bed before sitting down. She gestured me to sit as well. For a second there I was lost in her mesmerizing beauty, admiring my mom lookalike ...sigh, it feels like a sin but what to do.

Her self presentation gave her away.

"Sit down Erica… Wait , have you bathed at all? Don't tell me you haven't? "

"Errrr….", I ruffled my hair backwards, sitting awkwardly. "I was about to but--.", I quickly stole a glance at the table clock. "It not---"

"Doesn't matter, now take your cloths of---"


Helene shot at me an annoyed look. "You know we have to head to the office right? "

"Oh …", I ruffled my hair once more. "I will get to it, you can get ready so long. "

"Alright.", Helene winked at me before leaning forward to peck my chicks. Then, she existed the room.

My head hurts, I already forgot about the so called real state company. I might be or look like a graduate but the downside is that I don't have a job. For some time I didn't but with the Helene running the business miraculously...

she offered me a job. One on the top level of the board but...

...My dad never considered to give me any, many post are available but he refuses to give me any, he rejected all my applications and handed over my place in the company to his stepdaughter!

Which father does that?

Sigh… well, obviously not yours...