Caught In The Act PRT. 2

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Harmonica approached the front entrance where she meets Jeffrey.

"There you are...", Harmonica yelped. "Now do you mind telling me what going on. And what with Helene?"

"I don't know how am gonna put it for you to understand. It very complicated. "

"Life is complicated. "

"Yeah whatever, come let go find them."

"How do you intend on looking for them?"

"You said you checked everywhere right and you still couldn't find out Erica, right?"

"Right... "

"Ever checked the interior parts of the house? "

", beside, Nancy would kill anyone who tries to go there. ",

"Doesn't matter, and I don't even see the so called Nancy anywhere."

Harmonica also looked around herself. "That true... where's she?"

"You asking me... c'mon let keep moving. "


A scream awakened, turning the party atmosphere down. Everyone began murmuring amongst one another.

"Nancy hall is dead!", another voice shouted. Everyone began running, their feet shot faster than their heartbeat. Evacuating the mansion as fast as possible.

"Nancy? ", Harmonica said. "How's that even possible?? "

"This ain't good at all.", Jeffrey muttered.

"What ain't good Jeff.", Harmonica questioned him and faced him directly. "You better tell what going on or else! "

Jeff took her hands of. "Stay here... "

He ran of leaving harmonica speechless. He ran straight in the direction the voice had come from before.

Harmonica didn't stand on ceremony and followed the runners. Instead she ran after Jeff to unravel what the hell was happening.

On getting there. Jeff stops on foot, his heels moved him backwards as his spotted the deceased corpses.

"Holy shit!."

He covered his nose as a result of the bad odour they were emitting. " ʝɛsʊs! ... this is bloody beyond my expectations. "

He brought his phone out and dialed some numbers and called it. The ring tone ends with Jeffrey throwing direct orders at whoever had picked the call.

"Bring the team to Fiona Estate, The halls mansion. I will send you an SMS, follow the instructions and hurry up."

He hung up and observed the corpses with disgust. A scream rippled his eardrum abruptly, he turned back seeing Harmonica. The lady gasped as well. Shocked beyond measures.

She staggered backwards. Nearly falling but she regained her balance and collapsed on the wall.

"I told you to stay back didn't I?", Jeff beamed at her before facing the corpses.

"You...", Harmonica roared. She bolted at Jeffrey and held him by his collar, pulling him up , displaying her near inhuman strength. "... you are hiding something and it not good, you know what happened to them, right? am damn sure!"

"Put me down! "

"Tell me what going on and I will put your dirty ass back down."

"Shit! put me down.", Jeffrey back. "Harmonica!."

"I ain't listen to you till you tell me what the hell is going on.".

"Suit yourself." Jeffrey yelped.

Harmonica released his collar and he crashed down on his ass with a loud groan escaping his mouth. "Oh come on!."

"Are you going to speak or should i make you?"

"Sir we are here!.", the voice ten men interrupted Harmonica. She turned around to see the armed men marching in.

"Good.", Jeff got up dusting his shirt. Then he whispered into her ear. "How about you step aside for a little minute... I need to handle this. ", his men got to work immediately. Forensic scientist were brought along while the cops looked around for any clue.

Harmonica stopped him from leaving. "... what about Erica and Helene.", she calmed down.

"Sigh... I have some men out there who are handling that. I made sure to call the whole team. Now if you would excuse me I need to get to work. You can join the search and interrogation going on outside. "

"Great...", She left the hall and exited the mansion. Everywhere outside was rowdy, cops were everywhere and people weren't allowed to go home. "And he said he's a retired cop, this is beyond retirement. "

She moved further and tried to keep up with the search that was going on. It stretched into the woods and many more vicinity. Harmonica heaved a sigh just thinking about Erica's whereabouts.


Underneath the moonlight, series of event happened in a short amount of time. First was Erica disappearance, as well as her sister and then ...Nancy And Jena's death.

I find it very disturbing , seeing those corpses weakened me. And Jeffrey, he knows something, but he doesn't want to speak.

I know it about Helene am very sure, the way he had felt when I told him she was aware of Erica's disappearance, coupled with Helene also going missing out of the blues.

I approached the road side which was occupied by police cars. Cops and dogs were everywhere. Searching ever nook and cranny of the whole vicinity.

Of cause, the search was only this big because it had serial killing tag on it. It was only a matter time before people would began to accuse Erica and Helene for the deaths of Nancy and Jena , well that if anyone steers up such idea.

Forget them, the cops may even pin on that , but that won't happen since Jeffrey knows what's going on way better than anyone right now.

Woof! woof!! woof!!!....

My attention was driven towards the police dog that was barking at me.

Huh... why is it barking in my direction? like any random girl, i would have run but no. I walked up to the dog who kept barking at me as I drew closer to it.

It began growling at me, I wondered, where it owner could be. It was among the other dogs that were carried out for the search party but this one... seems to be a stray fellow.

No one was looking or paid any attention to me and the dog. As soon as I got closer and crouched before it, it mood instantly changed. Becoming silent and playful.

I nodded my head, rubbing it stomach as it wriggled all over the ground. And then, I noticed the moonlight reflection in the cute eyes of the dog .

And then, i remembered spotting a black device at the far ends of the hall. A CCTV Camera...

I got up and ran back into the mansion. Little did I know the dog was tagging along till I got to the abandoned hall.

I marched up the Jeffrey and pulled his attention towards me.

"What now?!"

"... there's a CCTV Camera installed here.", I whispered. Pointing at the depth of the hall, pointing my fingers to the top corner.

Jeffrey followed 'em up to the top corner. A smile curled up on his face. "That my girl. "

I frowned my face on what he said. He grasped the reason immediately and ruffled his hair backwards.

"Now let go find out who killed the two and fast. ", Jeff told me as we both walked out of the hallways and headed upstairs to where the CCTV systems were installed.

"What of Erica and Helene?"

"No news yet..."

We entered the room on the top floor of the mansion. Computers occupied the whole room, displaying footages of mansion In different parts.

Jeffrey took a seat so long. He knew how to handle the system. But how was there no one in the operating room?

Soon, Jeffrey was retracing the footages back to the time Jena and Nancy entered the hall.

"Got it.", Jeffrey announced.

Beside me was the stray dog and it wagging tail. I sighed, I walked over to Jeffrey's side. He prepared to replay the scenery.

And then, he tapped on the button and the scenery played. Both Jena and Nancy's footages played. But to our dismay, our eyes were baffled

What we saw was no ordinary phenomenon. It was only them in their respective footage. Getting dirty with whatsoever force of darkness that killed them on a spot.

Their corpses dried up and decayed, with no reasonable explanation to what caused this witchcraft. I gasped looking away from the remorseful footage.

I turned my attention towards Jeffrey, his eyes were locked on to them. He kept replaying them nonstop until he got suddenly frustrated and shot up from his seat and walked towards the door and back, ruffling his hair.

"What the matter...", I asked, curious on why he was getting so worked up. Obviously he should but his behavior was beyond normal. It was like he expected more information than this. "Jeffrey... "

"Stop..." , he yelped. "Give me a minute. For now , go back outside and see if there's any news yet."

Obediently, I left with the stray dog without any further questions.

Jeffrey's POV.

All this doesn't make sense... their deaths, Jena and Nancy. It beyond what I can ever imagine. A prime suspect encapsulates my number one list of suspect and it Helene, but with this unknown phenomenal... I don't know what to do anymore.

This case just got far more complicated than I ever expected.

What do I do now?
