Chapter 2 : You are not alone.

Suddenly aries feel light into her body like feather, What make her confused how can she still can breathe what she know the last think she remembers is lying on the ground covered in blood. When she open eyes what see saw is a space without ending and light like a star everywhere she don't know what should she do now after all just a empty space. No matter where she go just only a dark accompanied by starlight, Just because only her selve there make her feel lonely she about to crying. Feeling empty and lonely make her more sad, More she thinking more she want to cry. Not only feel that, The biggest feeling she feel is regret with everything and disappointed. Why she need to die in this way, I have many thing want to do and enjoy with them. Only thinking about that she can't hold anymore and burst crying louder in that space. While she crying and she hear a voice.

" Why do you crying? What make you sad?."

A calm voice out from nowhere echoed in the space. She try to find where the voice coming but just only her there and no one there. With a muffled voice she try to answer the voice.

" Who are you? Where are you? "

She still try to find out who voices that. But still a empty space.

" I don't who are you but can't you just pop up i don't want being alone here, being alone here makes me look sad."

Looked around and everything seemed empty and sad That her feel anxiety.

" It's that make you crying? just because you alone here?."

Because of the calm voice she doesn't feel alone.

" yeahh... after all in this space by my selve... feel so lonely..."

she didn't know why but somehow she feel something is unpleasant but she don't want to think.

" Don't be scare or be sad I'm here with you just this is not the right time we meet, one day we'll."

She didn't understand what the voice meaning but she Don't want to question more than that. She just keep silent doesn't mean to react to the voice.

" Somehow i can feel that you have a some of regret in deeper your heart what are you regret for in this life?."

She didn't quick react to the question, she keep thinking what make her feel this way. To many things that her regret in life. She never learn how to love people properly and she never knew what love is like. She never show how she like to being with her friend and the more biggest thing she regret is hope for something that never happens a love from her family.

" To much thing happens in my life that make me regrets, it's can't say with word everything is messed. If i can live for a second change I'll never messed up with the change and live properly and live the path way i choose for my own selve in that way i'll never died like this."

Even though she know that will never happen, Just wish from the heart.

And for a moment the voice keep silent.

" Why do you want a second change? What do you want to do if you had that changes.."

She doesn't understand what that voice mean but what she know is if she has the change she'll change everything.

" I do not know and i do not confident i can change everything but i just don't want to live in this way it's so hard."

While wrap her hand on face. Even though she not confident but she still wish for second change.

" Child, What do you worry for. Hmmmm... don't worry for the thing is not important, In this way I'll give you second live and live the way you want."

She still do not understand what that mean how can live two time after all.

" I don't get it, What do you mean?.."

" Just live the way you want and Don't regret for nothing, Until the time we meet when the time came".

A few second after that, A bright light came to her and after that everything become dark. And she come back the time she 7 years old.