Nate's POV

  The scent of Ember curling about us was a constant torment as we fought furiously to reach our mate, dodging the pockets of violence that had broken out in the streets as my packmates met the intruders head on with an anger and determination that seemed to take them by surprise.

  We had never had to fight off a successful breach before, our defenses were usually well manned but I could tell by the fixed beam of the spotlights on many of the towers that pointed at odd angles into the night sky, that something had gone drastically wrong tonight.

  Only one sputtering solitary light, that blinked on and off intermittently and was tinged with a red hue pointed towards the edge of a large hole in the perimeter wall.

  Brutus snorted impatiently as he realized at the same time as I did that the attack had been seamlessly coordinated, seemingly having taken out the security teams that were stationed at our guard towers simultaneously.