"All passengers for flight 69B bound for Vienna International Airport may now proceed to the boarding area at Gate 5A. Please have your boarding pass and identification ready. Any passenger in need of special assistance may proceed to Gate 5B."
I hug K tight, not wanting to let go. Nikolai smiles at me while letting us have our moment. I sigh and am having doubts about whether to board or not. I must have gone crazy when I bought this ticket last night. I massage my furrowed forehead.
"What are you waiting for, A? You should go," Kendra pushes me away. I look at her with pleading eyes waiting for her to stop me from all this craziness. But instead of doing that, she called someone. In just a few seconds, the news about my cowardness traveled halfway across the world. Kendra face her phone screen at me, and I immediately saw Art's irritated face.