Avery's POV

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  I woke up to sun being in through the window, hitting my face with its warm embrace, I opened my eyes and sat my self up on the bed touching the warm floor with the tip of my toes. Today is the day, the day i’m leaving with a family I just met to spend a few days with a man I just met… what is wrong with you Avery? Every single murder movie starts just like this, a dumb girl goes exploring with the kind hearted people she just met only to be murdered and eaten for dinner… wow… okey thats enough brain.

  I shook my head getting rid of those horrifying images that were starting to pile up, however one thing was true, this was a very dumb idea.

  I got up and went to the bathroom, my mind all dizzy, my eyes hadn't woken up yet so I stumbled in to the table next to the bathroom door hitting my hip on the corner. I squealed in pain as I grabbed the handle on the door and pushed it open, ”great start” I thought to my self as I frowned.

  I striped and turned on the water in the shower, jumping right in letting the cold water wake me up as it poured down my face and down my body. I quickly washed up and took the towel wrapping it around me.

  As i opened the door walking back in to my room I jumped in horror and a loud scream escaped my mouth as my hand flew up to quiet the scream…

  ” Oh i’m so sorry didn't mean to scare you! Are you okey?” Amber quickly came to me grabbing my hand with a worried look on her face

  ” What is it with you guys always being in my room when I'm only wearing a towel?” I asked as I took my free hand to my chest and tried to calm my racing heart beat.

  She raised a brow and looked at me quizzically.

  ” NO! No not James, Marlene, the other day when she was fixing me up” I said as I rolled my eyes and saw a smile shaping up on Ambers face as she started to giggle

  ” OH.. right of course. Well I was just dropping of some clothes for you to wear and to tell you that breakfast is being served downstairs” Amber said while handing me the clothes that she had put on the bed, as I was about to take them from her hands, the door flew open

  ” Good morning my lovely gi— oh shit! Damn I'm sorry, the invitation didn't state that clothing was optional ” Alex smirked as he was scanning me from top to bottom and I held Ambers clothes tightly against me while also squeezing the towel so it wouldn't fall.

  ” You’re disgusting you know that?” Amber said while punching his arm making him turn facing the door, and everyone went quite. I looked over to the door only to be faced with a very pissed of James who was staring at Alex, his body was stiff with his arms by his side looking like he was ready to jump at him, kill him even

  ” Get. Out” were the only words James muttered to Alex and I also thought I heard something that sounded like a roar or growl, but it was probably just his breathing.

  ” Well ladies, I believe thats my cue… see you guys at breakfast” Alex said walking past James, he had to turn to his side to get past as James was al bulked up and not moving an inch and never dropping eye contact with his brother. When Alex had left his glare turned to me, it was as cold as ice

  ”I think I'm gonna leave too, ill see you at breakfasts hun” Amber said throwing me glare and rolling her eyes, quickly my hand reached Ambers arm pulling her back ” please don’t” I whispered, almost begging, my eyes as wide as saucers. She took my hand and faced her brother ” Be NICE!” She told him, emphasizing the word ”nice” as she let go of my hand, giving me a soft smile, throwing James a death glare as she exited the room, but there was no reaction from James. He’s eyes were glued to mine. It was as if he’s stare was burning in to my soul and for the first time in a long time, I found myself afraid, my heart rate increasing to were I thought I was running a marathon, yet, I felt tingles and a warmth build up inside me… what the hell is going on?