I was in the communal area playing foosball with Trish when James came barging in looking panicked. He looked around the room until his eyes landed on me and released a breath.

  ”Thank god.” He said as he came up and hugged me tightly.

  ”What wrong?” I asked him. Worry starting to build in my stomach.

  ” There were rouges in the woods around the village. I thought you were still there.” I pulled back and looked him in the eyes.

  ”I’m right here.” I said with a smile. His worry was sweet somehow. To see how much he cares.

  ”Why were there rouges there and how come we didn't know?” Trish asked sounding annoyed.

  ” I don’t know. The patrols guards didn't notice them coming in. It’s weird but its been taken care of. Also… it looked as if they were searching for something, or someone.” James replied looking down at me.

  ” Did you kill them?” I don't why I asked that, I just wanted to know.