James POV

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  I was sitting in the dining hall with Sebastian and Natasha. We were eating and Natasha was telling me about how she and Sebastian knew each other,

  ”My father needed alias amongst the werewolf kind, and so he reached out to a few different packs. The half-moon pack was one of them, Madeline didn't know anything about him at the time and wanted to go along with his offer, however, Sebastian here didn’t. He sensed that my father wasn't a person you wanted to be on the same teams with, he also came asking this pack, but your parents refused, however a pack of this magnitude and strength was exactly what he needed, and that's when I came in the picture.

  He refused to leave the pack alone and was ready to start a war against you. When Carlos told me this I decided to pay you a little visit and the second he knew that I was apart of the knight family he began plotting and planning. Sebastian was going to help him,”