James POV

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  She loves me, she finally said it, I feel like a kid. My heart has never felt this completed.

  ”I have loved you since the first time I saw you, and I will love for as long as we breathe, and after that, I will love you still. Always.” I looked into her eyes as I made a confession of my own, one that vows to keep always and forever. My mate, my love, my Luna.

  A tear rolled down Averys' cheek and I kissed It away, I saw the happiness in her eyes. Just when I thought that everything was perfect, a pit of guilt started building up in my core. She didn't know the truth, the truth about the marriage, if there was any time to tell, now was it.

  ”Avery, there is something I need to tell you.” I saw the uncertainty in her eyes, she was so used to hearing only bad news, and this time was no different, she was frightened.