James POV

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  ’Why aren't they dying !?' Anna yelled through the mind link as she fought a rouge while dodging attacks from another.

  That was a good question, we had been fighting these rouges for twenty minutes. I had killed at least a dozen but as if they rose from the dead, they stood back up and continued the fight.

  Even weirder was the fact that none of my warriors were injured, something was way off about this fight.

  A grey rouge came at me and I jumped up, biting down on his neck, rising of a piece of his flesh, two others were charging at me, I dodged one while killing the other. I dug my canines into the second rouge's hind leg and ripped it clean off. This was a never-ending battle.

  ’Alpha, look to your left.’ Damon said, he had stopped fighting and was looking to my side, he looked unbothered, I turned my head and saw why. The rouges were retreating.