Averys POV

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  ”Yes, my mother.” Natasha said.

  My mouth fell open and I didn't blink. That's the woman I heard. Natashas mother. I heard Natashas mother die, but that must mean that the menacing laugh came from…Oh god.

  Natasha walked to one of the pictures that were hanging on the wall. It had a crack along with the picture. She wiped it clean on her dress and stared at whoever was in it.

  Natasha handed me the picture, I was hesitant at first to grab it. Not sure what I would see. But I decided to take it and when I saw it, I felt the pain that this house was holding.

  It was a beautiful woman. She was blonde, with hazelnut eyes and an almond-shaped face. She was smiling big in the picture, the smile reached her eyes, showing her teeth. I looked back at Natasha.

  ”Is this her?” I asked her in merely a whisper. Natasha nodded her head once again. She wasn't much for words right now, and I understood why.