Vanessa was smiling brightly as I walked down to meet her in the foyer.
She was standing with Mikayla and Steph, and neither of them looked very happy.
When I got closer, the girls left and I watched as they walked away.
Vanessa looked warily between me and them.
”What was that all about?” She asked with a giggle.
”Nothing, I mean, I have no idea,” I said and looked as confused as she did which seemed to have sold it.
We walked through the woods, out on a little path, and past several houses before we made it to a cute little yellow cottage.
It had two big windows in the front, it was a one-level house with a porch.
I smiled as I walked up the stairs to the front door.
It was the cutest little house I had ever seen with flowers in their colorful pots greeting you by the door.
I looked to my side and saw Vanessa with her head lowered, awkwardly patting her arm.
”Are you okay?” I asked her.