the statue of love


Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat D It is not enough to satisfy the hunger of and In the current situation, this person somehow The loss of the farm owner by giving milk

Can't do it. Why, young man, it is true,asked the king. The owner of the cow nodded

and looked at the king. And then he bowed his head and said yes Right.people From the harvest of which This Ali is the one who lives in this tribe You are familiar with the same. He owns the farm From this own The family Nurtures N. If any unexpected By accident or by accident, any animal If you destroy the crop, your family too St nurtures Anas Ali looked at the king and then both of them Fold your hands and speak in a polite manner Honorable rulers, these people have never had their own Problems are not described. What and hunger - Eradication Sometimes for economic support Not informed Anas Ali, do you know the best in the world? What is difficult work? (The king's voice was loud)