the statue of love


This entire valley All the rulers of the tribe, who were famous among the inhabitants of other vallies considered skinder very important on the basis of his bravery and intelligence. The tribe mon had a special place in all types of colsultation in gulzar Valley. The personality of ruler skinder was considered to be a complete Miracle. It is true that the ruler of tribe moon, skinder , had such great qualities that it is commen when any mother of valley would pray for her sons on the occasion of happiness, she used to say something like this - oh dear son, you develop attributes like skindr in your personality. and may your fate be like that of skinder . it was in front of the crowd, a twelve to thirteen-year-old girl dressed in a red frock walked gracefully and style. Her white soft feet were bound in white sandals under her slim legs. She stopped for a minut and put her hand on the right and left cheek with delicacy And then she turned her back to the audience and walk her back bent and the next momment She would disappear behind the curtain and suddanly appear again This time she wear a tight green dress The length of dress which was limited to the waist and below the waist was a narrow skirt. up to her feet? She walked gracefully to Sikandar.