The statue of love

26-Wow how beautiful the queen and jubeen's came out mouth together, it is very beautiful. It was of royal blue color, with a shine of green in them. The beautiful peacock was about in 20inch hight and was glossy black from the nack to the top of the feet,with bright light blue and royal blue on it,with a shine of green in it. The top was painted in the form of beautiful egg-shaped circles, which went back to the tail, in the form of small white and black dottes, with dark and light blue cercles in the centre form of a beautiful pattern. on the head, there was a black and green crown, In the middle of the red stripe, there were beautiful eyes of light brown color,which were just bellow the black strip , There was a diagonal white circle from the beak of the black color, which was joined by a white line drawn above the eye. The peacock standing there spread their wings, which were opened in the form of a fringe. Wow, what a beauty. Mah was full of happiness that she had read in the story about the Palawan peacock and since then she wanted to have it. dear dad , as much as I had read about it, it is even more beautiful than that, very beautiful, and that was the moment when the Mah's eyes fell on the peacock's feet. He pointed to the peacock's feet, dear dad, his feet are not at all beautiful, but they are very ugly

What is this, father, why did you take a peacock with ugly feet for me? Sikandar looked at his daughter in surprise and said, "Every peacock has the same feet."

No, dad she shouted, I want a peacock with blue black or green feet, whose feet match the other colors.

But my dear daughter, there is no peacock in the world whose feet color matches the color of its wings.

But I don't want this peacock with ugly feet.