The statue of love

32-I know that Kamil is a good person, but you also know that we are not only cousins ​​but also good friends, so it will not be fun until I tease him. Sheela explained.

Yes, yes, I know

But you know my daughter that the most difficult thing in the world is to be a good person and no person is complete unless he has good character, a good and dignified person, humble, persistent, steadfast and considerate of others. He is kind, he never destroys others for the sake of his own building. He has equal relationship with the rich and the poor, he is gentle and responsible, in win or lose, he is always dignified in appearance and Sheila, my daughter, a person who has these qualities is perfect, you know? I kept the name as Kamil( perfect ) just to annoy those who call my son ugly, then I did not know that he would grow up to be Kamil(perfect) and a perfect person is beautiful in reality. External beauty is perishable. Aunt finished her speech in a serious tone.

Oh dear aunt

It means that Kamil is the most beautiful person in this world

Sheila was not only familiar with all these qualities of Kamil with deep of heart , but she was only in a mischievous mood at that time.

Indeed, my son is the most beautiful person in the world, he just needs to have a discerning eye, aunt immediately replied.

Oh yes dear aunt, if Kamil is the most beautiful person in the world, then Princess Mah's prince is also Kamil, Oh Princess Mah and Kamil, then Sheila laughed loudly and then repeated Kamil and Princess Mah, meaning beauty and beast then a burst of laughter erupted from his throat.

" who did you called as beast, protested loudly," he shouted.

Oh, my dear cousin Sheila, I will never be the prince of your finicky,choosy , and scaly princess, Mah Jabeen.

(Sheila screamed in surprise) You are Kamil , you are refusing to be the prince of Princess's Mah.Hey go,princess is as beautiful as the moon,she will not even keep you as her servant.