The statue of love


Her beautiful round thick pendulous breasts could be seen by Kamil through the gap between her legs. She was bending her hips towards Kamil. Her beautiful long golden hair fell from both sides. She bent down and pressed her hips with her right hand. His long beautifull fingers had lost into the flesh, then she slapped her hip hard to milky white raised flesh causing a butterfly to fly away. and that mischievous butterfly was crazy about MahJabeen. Sometimes it would sit on her neck, sometimes on her belly sometimes on her hands, sometimes on her back, sometimes between her legs, sometimes behind her legs and sometimes on her feet.Kamil,s heart forgotten to beat. As if his soul had left his body, and slept with his head between her milky juicy breast. When she bowed, Kamil felt that the whole universe bowed. She would also have taken a right turn kamil's felt the whole universe would also have turned right side . She would have turned left like the universe would also have turned left.