The statue of love


The next morning Sheela came to Msh's room on the invitation of Princess Mah.

Sheela we are looking for someone the princess said stroll into the room.

To whom? Princess Mah you order. Sheela had sensed Princess Mah's anxiety.

"I am looking for an artist who is my lover" said Mah Jabeen.

What do you mean, princess, I don't understand, someone is your lover, but you have to find him, please clear it Princess ,shaeela said. Mah took out all the paintings hidden under her bed and placed them in front of her.

Sheela was stunned to see.

Kamil, yes, kamil, she repeated in her heart.

What is this? Sheela asked.someone kept these paintings daily near pond in the forest .

Oh,so that,s why you go to the pond every day.