"So.... Who is ready for movie night." Mrs Greg asks excitedly.

  "I know that am ready." Alexia replied her mum, getting into the car.

  "That is the spirit." Mrs Greg replies back.

  "Can we just go already." Aaron said in a bored tone, relaxing his back on the car seat.

  Mr Greg shakes his Head at his son, but nevertheless started the car. Aaron wasn't the type of guy that enjoyed family time, no matter how many times they tried to get him initiated, it never works.

  Once they got to the cinema, Mrs Greg got some popcorns, while mr Greg got them tickets for the movie.?

  "Let's sit at the back." Aaron suggested. Mr and mrs Greg, nod their heads, then they all walked to the back seat, and had their seat. They were already use to Aaron suggesting they sit at the back, that was his favorite spot in the cinema but what they didn't know that, this time around_ their dearly beloved son, has something else planned in his mind, when he asked them to seat at the back.