"No, I didn't inform them, cause I didn't know what was wrong with you, and I also didn't want mum worrying too much. I know for a fact, that she might end up calling off the family vacation, and I wouldn't want that."
"It's good, that you didn't tell mum or dad. Cause now, all we have to do is get rid of this pregnancy." Aaron dropped Alexia hands, once he heard the words *get rid.*?
Alexia quickly held his face on her palm lovingly, then looked him in the eye, "Hey, I know this looks like a really bad decision, but we can't afford to tell our parents. Mum would be devasted, the both of them could disown us. We can't tell them Aaron, we can't."?
"But..." Aaron tries to still argue, Alexia placed her finger on his lips to stop him from arguing with her.
"Aaron, I have to take out this baby and that is the only solution we have." She kissed him lovingly on the lips.