Damon's POV

  "You mean you are yet to find who the culprit is?"I yelled angrily as Mark flinched.

  "Yes boss....We didn't get to see the culprit"Mark replied sharply

  "No way!You have to find that person...What insolence!No-one messes with me and goes scold free"I shouted out.

  "But boss!What if it's just not someone serious"Mark asked as I scoffed.

  "What do you mean by not someone serious huh?Whoever it is,,,,,,,once I find that person...He or she will pay in hundred folds,,,,,,I don't care and I don't even want to know who it is and where the person is from"I said determined.

  "As you wish boss"Mark said and walked away.

  I gulped down the glass of water tapping my feet on the ground.

  No-one messes with me....

  No human.......

  Not even spirits too!

  That person should get ready to pay every dime no matter how hard it is for the person.

  I don't give a fuck.

  I quickly picked up the packet of cigarette and brought out a stick from it.