Debby's POV

  I slammed the door loudly as I sat heavily on the bed fuming with anger.

  I know you're wondering who I am?

  I Am the maid whose been having an affair with Damon.Okay,I won't call it an affair...since he only slept with me once.But still!

  I bit my lips as I continued thinking.

  Some thing in me Is telling me that Damon likes the new maid.

  I can't let that happen....

  I Am the only one for him,,,,I can't let that girl steal him from me.

  The way he looks at her.....

  The way he talks to her.....

  Some thing is not just right but I won't let the wrong happen.


  "Do you like her?"I asked as I walked into his room with my hand folded.Damon shoved out of the packet of cigarette a stick of it.

  He made for the lighter with the stick of cigarette in between his lips,,,,,,he lighted the cigarette.

  Smokes emanated from his mouth and nostrils as he took several drags of the cigarette.