Debby's POV

  I brought out my handbag from the nail where I hung it.

  And zipped it open.

  I quickly brought out a small bottle from the bag and smiled.

  Since she doesn't want to die and let me be in peace,,,,I will make sure she dies in pieces.

  By the time I add this to her drink,,,she will definitely die.

  this is actually a bottle of poison and I'm sure she won't survive this.

  I grinned wickedly as I stared at the bottle.

  I poured some juice into the glass and added some of the poison into it and smiled.

  "She's definitely going to be gone for good"I laughed as I stirred the juice with a spoon.

  Damon's POV

  I paced around the room impatiently as I sipped the wine.

  "Calm down Damon....I know you're worried but you shouldn't be"Kelly said as I snorted

  "You don't understand....Why would someone want Meria dead?"I asked anxiously

  "I don't know but that doesn't mean you should keep spacing around...."Kelly said