Meria felt nauseous due to the smell of the meat and she retch so loud and obviously,she covered her mouth..but immediately everyone's eyes fell on her.

  "Are you okay?The maid holding the plate of meat questioned still standing in her front.

  She didn't remove her hands cause the girl won't leave and if she was to run,there might be suspicion raised on her.

  Ivy knew why she won't remove her hand,so she ran to the maid and took the plate of meat away from her.

  "Sir Damon is waiting for the meat so what are you doing standing around?"Ivy said in an unusual mean tone.

  Damon stared at Meria feeling concerned,he noticed she was looking so uncomfortable.

  Meria breathes out and went to join the line but far from the dinning where Sir Damon is having his dinner.

  "That was close"she thought inwardly.