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CHAPTER 15 Like seriously?

  It was still noon but the sun had reduced its smile. Rose still stood where she was, with her arms across each other and with a face that describes these words that says 'I will never do it! My word is final.'

  "Why are you still standing there? your arms across each other without saying a word about repairing or paying for the damage you cost my car? Indeed, you're stubborn. Well, I think I'm losing my patience.

  Rose was indeed stubborn. Who would still prove stubborn After seeing Mike call a police officer? Was she this brave and fearless? Mr. Evidence couldn't believe it. No man, not to talk of a lady, dared to prove stubborn towards him and now this little girl dared? At that point, Evidence was powerless, he never knew the reason for his powerless state but he could feel as if he was weak when it comes to Rose. He never knew her until the very day she came for an interview at his condom company and he suddenly he took interest.