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  Still searching for Rose, the both girls ran towards the big hall that was located at a corner of the eatery, that ball room was meant for people who wished to dance and party. It looked like a club but the only difference between it and a club was that the ball room is always open from 6am to 11pm while the normal club only operates at night.

  Mara and Annabel ran towards that ball room as they pushed the door open and met the crowd. Inside the ballroom were different colours of sparkling lights which made the room look so colourful. As they walked in, because of how crowded the room was, they met with so many obstacles which slowed their search. There were different kinds of people that stood as an obstacle to hinder their search. Some were drinking and dancing, some were just dancing alone or with their partner, some just sat comfortably on the chair as they observed with a bottle of different kinds of drink.