CHAPTER 142 Afraid of rejection


  "Destination please?"

  "United States," I said, handing her my details as well as my password. The lady looked at me for a while and continued her work

  "Vacation or…"

  "School" I replied without delay and the woman glanced up then shrugged. I didn't know why she did that but I didn't care as I stood there waiting for my ticket. I was lucky the plane to the US hasn't left yet. It has been an hour since I got here. I had everything ready to go but just needed to confirm the tickets and it was taking longer than I expected

  "Are you okay Ms?" the lady asked, not sure why but I was fine, just a little cold. I didn't know why it was this cold now of all days. I was wearing black leggings with ankle boots as well as a long-sleeved sweater that reached up to my neck and a brown long coat to keep warm but still, I could feel the wind blowing around