Time to burst her bubble.
"Hmm. . . You sure? Because I'm quite certain I heard the exact same line from one of your walking sex gods' songs," Emerald remarked as she watched the smug look drop from Oriana's face and her cheeks turned pink from being caught lying.
"Well. . . I. . . Uhm, the thing is I-"
"Ori, stop. You don't have to steal some mediocre line from a movie, song or from anywhere for that matter just to impress me or prove to me that you're smart. I mean you work for a bloody news agency for Christ's sake and you're not just anybody there, you're one of the people that help in gathering these juicy news updates we read, see and hear every single day.
You're perfect at your job and if that doesn't show that you're smart, I have no idea what else would. You're the smartest girl I know, Ori so don't you dare belittle yourself, you hear me?" she heartened Oriana who gave her a grateful grin in reply.