Aubrey had opened Brey Cooks, a chain of restaurants in some places in America but she was still hoping to expand even more and she had somehow ended up with Zander Fleece, a world's famous basketball player while Amari worked as a personal assistant to Dylan Rodriguez, the CEO of the New York branch of Rodrico., a.k.a Darren's cousin. Plus, Dylan had also aided Darren and Amari's relationship.
Conclusively, these ladies were independent and self accomplished with their successful and decent jobs. Emerald also told them about how well her therapy place had been doing but she kept her responses vague for confidential reasons, or so she told herself.
Emerald was scrolling through her phone after having enough sips of the strong, volcanic tiki punch when someone tapped her on the shoulder. She looked up a bit groggy as her eyes tried to focus on the culprit's face which looked really familiar.