Seeing that her friend was still so affected by their unexpected visitor, she killed the thought of informing her that this same man had been lying unconscious on the very same bed they currently sat on. She didn't want her to develop a heart attack, so she remained quiet.
"Take your mind off of it, Ori. It happened as a reflex, okay? And I'm sure he understands," she whispered the last part.
"‘Understands’?" Oriana's figure immediately straightened up as her eyes grew wide at her friend's words. She wasn't full on yelling the words into her friend's ears only because their subject of discussion was right below them.
"Did you not pay attention to all I've been saying since? Even if you weren't paying attention, did you not read the articles on the websites? Emerald, this man isn't someone who thinks twice before ending a life. Understanding. . ." she air quoted. ". . .is not a word in his dictionary."