CHAPTER 121 (Pt Two)

  Light and playful questions were tossed about between the couple until Jordan was sure that she had eased up enough and was now more open to answering his grave questions, moreso, Emerald seemed to have sensed Jordan's concern and inner turmoil because by herself, she chose to steer their discussion towards that direction.

  "How did you get your scar?" she whispered, stroking his jaw while tracing said scar that ran across his skin.

  "From my father," he paused, catching her gaze. "He wanted to stab my mother with a pocket knife one day, but I got in the way and got beat up just like every other day." Emerald's eyes widened as she watched different conflicting emotions play out in his eyes.

  "There were much more lining my arms, my torso, my back; they are still very much in existence, only just hidden beneath the expanse of ink," he smiled but it was nothing like his usual jaw-dropping one. This one was filled with limitless hatred and malice.