“Jordan Kale, not Male,” she explained, her dark and intrusive eyes shamelessly ogling Jordan's body as she blew a bubble with her gum, popping it just as her gaze collided with Emerald's hard ones. She grinned at Emerald's glare, her teeth peeking through the loosely stitched skin of her cheek; she looked nothing short of a Cheshire cat with its wide mouth.

  “Yeah whatever,” Carl repeated insouciantly and Jordan could only smirk at his show of arrogance, mocking his stupidity.

  “Your arrogance will only lead to your downfall, Johansson and I,” he emphasized, “will be the one to issue it. However,” he rushed on, deliberately interrupting Carl who had opened his mouth to speak.

  “It makes me wonder,” he tilted his head and a mocking thoughtful expression crossed his features, “do you really have Armani in your custody or is it all just a sham to lure us in? Because since we arrived here, all you've done is go on and on, polluting the air with your stinky mouth.”